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This page provides a simple browsing interface for finding entities described by a property and a named value. Other available search interfaces include the page property search, and the ask query builder.

Search by property

A list of all pages that have property "TeacherofRaw" with value "Chang, G.". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

Showing below up to 26 results starting with #1.

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List of results

  • Gyal Khenpo Drakpa Gyaltsen  + (A khu ching shes rab rgya mtsho)
  • Yeshe Tsogyal  + (A tsar+ya sa le;Bkra shis khye'u 'dren;Shel dkar bza')
  • Ga Lama Jamyang Gyaltsen  + (Appey, Khenchen;Brag g.yab blo gros rgyal mtshan;Dezhung Rinpoche)
  • Drayab Lodrö Gyaltsen  + (Appey, Khenchen;khang dmar rin chen;Khri tsho mkhan po blo gros bzang po)
  • Maitreya  + (Asaṅga)
  • Bodhibhadra  + (Atiśa)
  • Dharmarakṣita  + (Atiśa)
  • Suvarṇadvīpa Dharmakīrti  + (Atiśa)
  • Śrīsiṃha  + (Bai ro tsa na;Pad+ma 'byung gnas;Vimalamitra)
  • Longpo Druptop Tashi Tseten  + (Bdud 'dul rdo rje;'ja' tshon snying po)
  • Mingyur Dorje  + (Bdud 'dul rdo rje;karma chags med;rig 'dzin kun bzang shes rab;Rdzogs chen pad+ma rig 'dzin)
  • Hōnen  + (Benchō (1162–1238), founder of the main ChBenchō (1162–1238), founder of the main Chinzei branch of Jōdo-shū. Often called Shōkō. Exiled in 1207 to Kyushu;Genchi (1183–1238), Hōnen's personal attendant, and close friend of Benchō;Shōkū (1147–1247), founder of the Seizan branch of Jōdo-shū. Not exiled;Shinran (1173–1263), founder of the Jōdo Shinshū branch of Pure Land Buddhism. Exiled to Echigo Province in 1207;Ryūkan (1148–1227), founder of the many-recitation or Tanengi branch of Jōdo-shū;Chōsai (1184–1266), founder of the Shōgyōhongangi branch of Jōdo-shū which believed that all Buddhist practices can lead to rebirth in the Pure land;Kōsai (1163–1247), promoted the controversial Ichinengi, or "single-recitation" teaching of Jōdo-shū. Expelled from Honen's community before the exile of 1207;Gyōkō (?), another proponent of Ichinengi doctrine. Exiled to Sado in 1207;Rensei (1141–1208), formerly a notable samurai named Kumagai no Jirō Naozane who had fought at the Battle of Ichi-no-Tani and killed the Heike leader Taira no Atsumori;Kansai (1148–1200);Shinkū (1146–1228);Anrakubō (? -1207), executed during the purge of 1207;Jūren (?), executed along with Anrakubō in 1207 (?), executed along with Anrakubō in 1207)
  • Thangtong Gyalpo  + (Bka' bcu pa blo gros rgyal mtshan)
  • Dukhorwa Sangye Dorje  + (Bo dong rin chen rtse mo;O rgyan pa rin chen dpal)
  • Kham Nyön Dharma Senge  + (Brag dkar blo bzang dpal ldan bstan 'dzin snyan grags;shug gseb rje btsun chos dbyings bzang mo)
  • Sagye Nyentön Chökyi Sherab  + (Brtson 'grus seng+ge)
  • Taksham Nuden Dorje  + (Bsam gtan bstan 'dzin;Bsod nams lde'u btsan;Chos rje gling pa;Rol pa'i rdo rje;Gnam lcags rtsa gsum gling pa;pad+ma bde chen gling pa;Karmapa, 11th)
  • Sönam Gyaltsen  + (Bsam gtan pa shAkya bzang po;red mda' ba gzhon nu blo gros;Tsong kha pa;Klong chen rab 'byams)
  • Drapa Ngönshe  + (Btsan kha bo che;ma gcig lab sgron)
  • Kazhipa Drakpa Zhönu  + (Bu ston rin chen grub;Zhang ston bsod nams grags pa)
  • Līlāvajra  + (Buddhaguhya;Buddhajñānapāda)
  • Shongton Dorje Gyaltsen  + (Buton Rinchen Drub;blo gros brtan pa;Lotsāwa Chokden Lekpai Lodro;'jam dbyangs ston gzhon)
  • Kunga Yeshe Gyatso  + (Byams pa yon tan mgon po;Snying po mtha' yas;Kun bzang dbang po)
  • Kunga Drolchok  + (Byang bdag bkra shis stobs rgyal;'gyur med bde chen)
  • Pegyal Lingpa  + (Chagdud Tulku)