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Latest revision as of 17:39, 7 March 2018
nephew of Mkhas btsun 'jag chen rgyal mtshan 'bum +
Nephew of the 16th Karmapa rang byung rig pa'i rdo rje. +
Father of TA re lha mo (1938-2003) +
g.yung drung bstan 'bar (Father); lcam bu (Mother) +
He was the nephew of [[Sa skya paN+Di ta]] +
Brother is sangs rgyas mnyan pa 09 karma bshad sgrub bstan pa'i nyi ma. Daughter is sras mo 'chi med dbang mo. +
Son of [[chos rje gling pa]] +
Sonam Gyeltsen (Father); Kunga Kyi (Mother); Sakya Paṇḍita Kunga Gyaltsen (Uncle) +
Father of Thinley Norbu and Shenphen Dawa Rinpoche. +
Father of [[bdud 'joms gter sras dri med 'od zer]], [[Dodrupchen, 3rd]], [[mkhyen brtse sprul sku 'dzam gling dbang rgyal]], [[sprul sku lha chen stobs rgyal]], [[sprul sku pad+ma rdo rje]], [[dpal sprul nam mkha' 'jigs med]], [[rdo rje dgra 'dul]]. +
His father was Dola Chokyi Nyima, brother of Thinley Norbu Rinpoche, and son of Dudjom Rinpoche Jigdral Yeshe Dorje (1904-1987). His mother was Pema Khandro. +
son of bdud 'joms gling pa; consort/husband of Sera Khandro +
Grandson of Dudjom Rinpoche; Grandson of Bla ma bsod nams bzang po; Eldest son of Norbu, Thinley +
Younger brother of Tai Situpa, 9th +
Father of Jamgön Kongtrül, 2nd +
Father: Sangye Kyap; Mother: Tharden Wangmo +
Pelgyi Tsemo (father); Gema Tar (mother) +
Son of Ma gcig lab sgron. +
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