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A list of all pages that have property "Glossary-Senses" with value "The mind in its natural state. Often used as a synonym for the nature of mind and buddha-nature.". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

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    • Tha mal gyi shes pa  + (The mind in its natural state. Often used as a synonym for the nature of mind and buddha-nature.)
    • Tathāgatagarbha  + (The seed or essence of enlightenment. ''TaThe seed or essence of enlightenment. ''Tathāgata'' loosely translates as "one who has gone to a state of enlightenment," while ''garbha'' has the sense of "womb," "essence," and "embryo." Tathāgatagarbha thus suggests a potential or an innate buddhahood possessed by all sentient beings that is either developed or revealed when one attains enlightenment.r revealed when one attains enlightenment.)
    • Anātman  + (A key feature of the Buddha's teachings that stood in direct contrast to the mainstream Indian religious-philosophical notion of an eternal self, or ātman.)
    • Amalavijñāna  + (According to East Asian Yogācāra, the absoAccording to East Asian Yogācāra, the absolute purity of mind of a buddha. While the Sanskrit term appears in Vasubandhu's ''Abidharmakośa'' and the accompanying ''Bhaṣya'', the term as it is used in the sense of pure consciousness was first used in Chinese by Paramārtha and then expanded and changed by later Chinese Yogācāra writers. While Paramārtha associated it with thusness and used it to refer to a catalyst for enlightenment, it has come to refer to a ninth consciousness which only appears when the ālayavijñāna, the eighth consciousness, ceases. As such, it is pure, luminous, and permanent. Some writers, however, have equated it to the pure aspect of the ālayavijñāna, as well as with prakṛtiprabhāsvaracitta (the absolute purity of mind), tathāgatagarbha, and even emptiness.ind), tathāgatagarbha, and even emptiness.)
    • 'jog sgom  + (Also called Settling meditation (Skt. ''stAlso called Settling meditation (Skt. ''sthāpyabhāvanā''; Tib. འཇོག་སྒོམ་, ''jokgom'' or ''jok gom'', Wyl. '' 'jog sgom'') — the counterpart of analytical meditation. The practice of settling or resting the mind, which is alternated with periods of analysis or visualization.</br></br>Ringu Tulku Rinpoche says:</br>"Whenever we reach a conclusion, or simply get tired, we just remain, settled in peace. This part is a little like shamatha." (Source: Rigpa Wiki)</br></br>"In placement meditation one goes directly into deep Shamatha meditation and then one "looks at mind" directly without any analysis and perceives its emptiness." (Thrangu Rinpoche, ''Transcending Ego'', 86).rangu Rinpoche, ''Transcending Ego'', 86).)
    • Dharmakāya  + (Although this term is sometimes rendered iAlthough this term is sometimes rendered into English as “truth body,” dharmakāya seems to have originally been meant to refer to the entire corpus (''kāya'') of the Buddha’s transcendent qualities (''dharma''). (''The Princeton Dictionary of Buddhism'', p. 242)rinceton Dictionary of Buddhism'', p. 242))
    • Bodhicitta  + (As this is the desire to achieve and help achieve the state of enlightenment for all sentient beings, it is called the thought or mind of awakening or enlightenment.)
    • Śrāvaka  + (Because they mainly rely on the words of the Buddha in their spiritual practice, they are known as Hearers or Listeners. The śrāvaka vehicle is the one of the three vehicles or yānas in Buddhism beside the vehicles of Solitary Realizers and Bodhisattvas)
    • Nirmāṇakāya  + (Emanation body is considered as an apparitEmanation body is considered as an apparitional form and thus not the actual physical form of a buddha but one projected for the purpose of helping sentient beings. This concept became later conflated with the Tibetan culture of religious incarnation and many lamas who are considered to be rebirths of earlier ones are also referred to as trulku.rlier ones are also referred to as trulku.)
    • Svasaṃvedana  + (Mind seeing mind. The classic example is that of a lamp that illuminates the surrounding area as well as itself.)
    • Sūtra  + (Sūtras originally referred to the aphoristSūtras originally referred to the aphoristic sayings and discourses, although one can find many exegetical and descriptive sūtras. In the Buddhist tradition, sūtras are generally considered to be the words of the Buddha or his immediate disciples, in contrast to the commentarial or synoptic literature, some of which summarized and condensed the teachings in the sūtras.and condensed the teachings in the sūtras.)
    • Sems nyid  + (The essence of mind.)
    • Prabhāsvaracitta  + (The natural radiance of mind.)
    • Original enlightenment  + (The natural state of enlightenment that is obscured by the adventitious stains.)
    • Dpyad sgom  + (The practical approach to gaining incontroThe practical approach to gaining incontrovertible conceptual certainty is called analytical meditation or superior insight. ([[Brunnhölzl]], ''[[The Center of the Sunlit Sky]]'', 29)</br></br>"Another division of meditation is into “the analytical meditation of scholars” and “the resting meditation of mendicants,” or simply analytical meditation and resting meditation. The analytical meditation of scholars refers to the intellectual examination of all phenomena through reasoning. There are two key terms here: “discriminating knowledge” and “personally experienced wisdom.” The first step in this analytical meditation is to cultivate discriminating knowledge. This refers to all the levels of increasingly refined inferential valid cognition that are based on reasoning and developed through studying, reflecting, and meditating." ([[Brunnhölzl]], ''[[The Center of the Sunlit Sky]]'', 279)</br></br>"The general scope of analytical meditation encompasses all of the teachings of the Buddha, starting from contemplating impermanence and the preciousness of human existence up through ascertaining the two kinds of identitylessness. Resting meditation includes all types of meditations in which the conclusions achieved through preceding investigation become absorbed by the mind." ([[Brunnhölzl]], ''[[The Center of the Sunlit Sky]]'', 281) Sunlit Sky]]'', 281))
    • Trikāya  + (The three aspects of perfect enlightenmentThe three aspects of perfect enlightenment of a buddha: the enlightened state of one's mind after full transformation, the pure physical existence one attains as a result of inner perfection, and the myriad forms one can emanate from the enlightened state to help others.from the enlightened state to help others.)
    • Ekayāna  + (There is ultimately only one way to become a buddha.)
    • Avidyā  + (This term can have different meanings and This term can have different meanings and connotations depending on the context. Especially among Tibetan traditions such as the Nyingma, in which ''rig pa'', usually translated as awareness, became a key concept, its opposite, ''ma rig pa'', references the state in which that awareness is not recognized. In this context, ''ma rig pa'' should likely be treated as an indigenous Tibetan term rather than a direct translation of the Sanskrit term ''avidyā''.anslation of the Sanskrit term ''avidyā''.)
    • Thugs dam  + (Thugs dam generally refers to meditation aThugs dam generally refers to meditation and spiritual commitment of a religious practitioner but often has the specific meaning of remaining in the state of meditation after death in the Himalayan Buddhist tradition. Highly realised beings are said to remain in this state for period after their death until their enlightened spirit leaves the physical body.lightened spirit leaves the physical body.)