'jog sgom

From Tsadra Commons

Key Term 'jog sgom
Topic Variation Placement Meditation
Hover Popup Choices placement meditation; settling meditation; 'jog sgom
In Tibetan Script འཇོག་སྒོམ་
Wylie Tibetan Transliteration 'jog sgom
Devanagari Sanskrit Script स्थाप्यभावना
Romanized Sanskrit sthāpyabhāvanā
Tibetan Phonetic Rendering Jok gom
Sanskrit Phonetic Rendering stapyabavana
English Standard placement medita­tion
Karl Brunnhölzl's English Term resting meditation
Term Type Noun
Source Language Tibetan
Basic Meaning This is the meditation of directly observing the mind without engaging in any analytical or intellectual activ­ity. (Thrangu Rinpoche, Transcending Ego, 102).
Has the Sense of

Also called Settling meditation (Skt. sthāpyabhāvanā; Tib. འཇོག་སྒོམ་, jokgom or jok gom, Wyl. 'jog sgom) — the counterpart of analytical meditation. The practice of settling or resting the mind, which is alternated with periods of analysis or visualization.

Ringu Tulku Rinpoche says: "Whenever we reach a conclusion, or simply get tired, we just remain, settled in peace. This part is a little like shamatha." (Source: Rigpa Wiki)

"In placement meditation one goes directly into deep Shamatha meditation and then one "looks at mind" directly without any analysis and perceives its emptiness." (Thrangu Rinpoche, Transcending Ego, 86).