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Karmapa, 1st
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|PersonType=Classical Tibetan Authors
|images=File:Karmapa 1st.jpg{{!}}[https://www.himalayanart.org/items/61012 Himalayan Art Resources]
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|images=File:Karmapa 1st.jpg{{!}}[https://www.himalayanart.org/items/61012 Himalayan Art Resources]
|MainNamePhon=First Karmapa Dusum Khyenpa
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|BnwShortPersonBio=A renowned Tibetan master recognized as the first in the lineage of Karma pa incarnations and early founder of the Karma bka' brgyud sect of Tibetan Buddhism. He was born in the Tre shod region of eastern Tibet and at the age of sixteen was ordained by a monk of the Bka' gdams sect and received tantric instruction from a disciple of Atiśa Dīpaṃkaraśrījñāna. He went on to study Madhyamaka and the Kālacakratantra with some of the leading scholars of the day. At the age of thirty, Dus gsum mkhyen pa met his principal guru, Sgam po pa B sod nams rin chen, from whom he received many teachings, including so-called “heat yoga” (''gtum mo''; see ''candālī''). He also studied with Mi la ras pa’s renowned disciple Ras chung pa. He devoted himself to the teachings that would become the hallmark of the Bka' brgyud, such as the six yogas of Nāropa and mahāmudra, but he also received teachings from a number of Bka' gdams and Sa skya masters. He went on to found three important Bka' brgyud monasteries: Kam po gnas nang in 1164, Karma dgon in 1184, both in eastern Tibet, and Mtshur phu northwest of Lha sa in 1187. The latter became a powerful central-Tibetan institution as the primary seat of the Karma pas up to 1959. It is said that at the age of sixteen Dus gsum mkhyen pa received a hat woven from the hair of one hundred thousand ḍākinīs. This hat has been passed down to subsequent Karma pas, and seen in the so-called “black hat ceremony” (''zhwa nag''). (Source: "Dus gsum mkhyen pa." In ''The Princeton Dictionary of Buddhism'', 274–5. Princeton University Press, 2014. http://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctt46n41q.27.)

Latest revision as of 10:26, 8 June 2020

Himalayan Art Resources
PersonType Category:Classical Tibetan Authors
MainNamePhon First Karmapa Dusum Khyenpa
MainNameTib དུས་གསུམ་མཁྱེན་པ་
MainNameWylie dus gsum mkhyen pa
AltNamesTib ཀརྨ་པ་གཅིག་པ་  ·  དཔལ་ཆོས་ཀྱི་གྲགས་པ་  ·  གྲུབ་ཐོབ་ཁམས་པ་དབུ་སེ་
AltNamesWylie karma pa gcig pa  ·  dpal chos kyi grags pa  ·  grub thob khams pa dbu se
AltNamesOther Karmapa, 1st
YearBirth 1110
YearDeath 1193
BornIn tre shod (khams)
TibDateGender Male
TibDateElement Iron
TibDateAnimal Tiger
TibDateRabjung 2
ReligiousAffiliation Karma Kagyu
Has emanations Second Karmapa Karma Pakshi
StudentOf phywa pa chos kyi seng+ge  ·  sgam po pa  ·  ras chung pa  ·  Byang chub grags
TeacherOf Drogon Rechen  ·  kaH thog dam pa bde gshegs
BDRC https://www.tbrc.org/#!rid=P1400
Treasury of Lives https://treasuryoflives.org/biographies/view/First-Karmapa-Dusum-Khyenpa/2683
IsInGyatsa No
BnwShortPersonBio A renowned Tibetan master recognized as the first in the lineage of Karma pa incarnations and early founder of the Karma bka' brgyud sect of Tibetan Buddhism. He was born in the Tre shod region of eastern Tibet and at the age of sixteen was ordained by a monk of the Bka' gdams sect and received tantric instruction from a disciple of Atiśa Dīpaṃkaraśrījñāna. He went on to study Madhyamaka and the Kālacakratantra with some of the leading scholars of the day. At the age of thirty, Dus gsum mkhyen pa met his principal guru, Sgam po pa B sod nams rin chen, from whom he received many teachings, including so-called “heat yoga” (gtum mo; see candālī). He also studied with Mi la ras pa’s renowned disciple Ras chung pa. He devoted himself to the teachings that would become the hallmark of the Bka' brgyud, such as the six yogas of Nāropa and mahāmudra, but he also received teachings from a number of Bka' gdams and Sa skya masters. He went on to found three important Bka' brgyud monasteries: Kam po gnas nang in 1164, Karma dgon in 1184, both in eastern Tibet, and Mtshur phu northwest of Lha sa in 1187. The latter became a powerful central-Tibetan institution as the primary seat of the Karma pas up to 1959. It is said that at the age of sixteen Dus gsum mkhyen pa received a hat woven from the hair of one hundred thousand ḍākinīs. This hat has been passed down to subsequent Karma pas, and seen in the so-called “black hat ceremony” (zhwa nag). (Source: "Dus gsum mkhyen pa." In The Princeton Dictionary of Buddhism, 274–5. Princeton University Press, 2014. http://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctt46n41q.27.)
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