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A list of all pages that have property "Glossary-Senses" with value "This is the type of negation most commonly used by proponents of other-emptiness. For instance, by denying the existence of adventitious stains, they imply the presence of enlightened qualities.". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

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    • Paryudāsapratiṣedha  + (This is the type of negation most commonly used by proponents of other-emptiness. For instance, by denying the existence of adventitious stains, they imply the presence of enlightened qualities.)
    • Gotra  + (''Gotra'' is used in Buddhist literature in a wide variety of ways. In Yogācāra it is used in the sense of family, lineage, or type to classify beings according to their innate capacity for progress on the path to enlightenment.)
    • Vajrapada  + (''Vajra'' has a variety of meanings depend''Vajra'' has a variety of meanings depending on the context, thus it is often left untranslated. For instance, it can refer to both a physical diamond and something which has the physical qualities of a diamond (i.e., something that is indestructible or indivisible). In this latter sense it is often rendered as "adamantine." In the ''Ratnagotravibhāga'' the seven main topics of the treatise are called "vajra" subjects because they are difficult to penetrate through an understanding that is arrived at through merely hearing or contemplating. In other words, they require direct experience.her words, they require direct experience.)
    • Dharmakāya  + (Although this term is sometimes rendered iAlthough this term is sometimes rendered into English as “truth body,” dharmakāya seems to have originally been meant to refer to the entire corpus (''kāya'') of the Buddha’s transcendent qualities (''dharma''). (''The Princeton Dictionary of Buddhism'', p. 242)rinceton Dictionary of Buddhism'', p. 242))
    • Bodhi  + (Enlightenment has the sense of complete acEnlightenment has the sense of complete actualization of one's true nature or total understanding of reality and freedom from suffering that comes from achieving that realization. </br></br>Enlightenment (Skt., ''bodhi''; Tib., ''byang chub'') is a state that can potentially be attained by any being with a mind. The very nature of the mind as a clear and radiant entity, and of the defilements as adventitious entities that are not essential to our nature, is what allows for the possibility of mental purification, and hence of enlightenment. The clearest doctrinal formulation of this idea is to be found in the concept of buddha-nature (''tathagatagarbha''; ''de bzhin gshegs pa'i snying po''). Whether buddha-nature is the primordial presence of an enlightened state in the minds of beings, something that merely needs to be uncovered, or only a potential that permits the attainment of that state is of course a disputed point in the tradition. Here, it is only important to note that the vast majority of Mahāyāna schools maintain that all beings, regardless of birth, race, social status, and gender, are capable of the attainment of the state of human perfection known as enlightenment.</br>Source: page 192, “Liberation: An Indo-Tibetan Perspective” by José Ignacio Cabezón. Buddhist-Christian Studies, Vol. 12 (1992), pp. 191-198 Published by: University of Hawai'i Press Stable URL: URL:
    • Pratītyasamutpāda  + (In Madhyamaka thought it is used to describe the relative level of the truth. Since phenomena come into being interdependently at this level, they are therefore empty of inherent existence at the ultimate level.)
    • Gzhi  + (In the Dzogchen teachings it is commonly counted among the trilogy of ground, path, and fruition. Sometimes referred to as the primordial ground (''ye bzhi''), it is the source from which all phenomena arise.)
    • Cittamātra  + (It is a philosophical position that placesIt is a philosophical position that places mentation at the forefront of our experience of the world, rather than the seemingly real objects that consciousness perceives. It can also be used to refer to a Buddhist school, a genre of texts, or as a section of the Tibetan Buddhist canon. For instance, the ''Gyü Lama'' is in the ''sems tsam'' section of the Tibetan canon.'sems tsam'' section of the Tibetan canon.)
    • Paramārthasatya  + (Reality as it appears to an enlightened being, in which all phenomena are perceived to be empty of an individual, permanent essence. This is contrasted to the "relative truth" as experienced by unenlightened beings.)
    • Saṃvṛtisatya  + (Reality as it is experienced by ordinary pReality as it is experienced by ordinary people whose perception is clouded by ignorance, in contrast to "ultimate truth" or "absolute truth," which is reality as perceived by an enlightened being. Relative truth has practical value in daily life, but upon examination all phenomena are found to be empty of individual, permanent existence. empty of individual, permanent existence.)
    • Āvaraṇa  + (See also [[āgantukamala |adventitious stains (''āgantukamala'')]])
    • Pāramitā  + (The Sanskrit and Tibetan terms pāramitā and phar phyin imply crossing over or reaching the other side because these practices help the individual practitioner to cross the ocean of cycle of existence and reach Buddhahood.)
    • Saṃbhogakāya  + (The enjoyment body of the buddha is so called for its perfect and luxurious nature. It is the highest physical form and normally enumerated as one of the three enlightened bodies of a buddha beside truth and emanation bodies.)
    • Original enlightenment  + (The natural state of enlightenment that is obscured by the adventitious stains.)
    • Dpyad sgom  + (The practical approach to gaining incontroThe practical approach to gaining incontrovertible conceptual certainty is called analytical meditation or superior insight. ([[Brunnhölzl]], ''[[The Center of the Sunlit Sky]]'', 29)</br></br>"Another division of meditation is into “the analytical meditation of scholars” and “the resting meditation of mendicants,” or simply analytical meditation and resting meditation. The analytical meditation of scholars refers to the intellectual examination of all phenomena through reasoning. There are two key terms here: “discriminating knowledge” and “personally experienced wisdom.” The first step in this analytical meditation is to cultivate discriminating knowledge. This refers to all the levels of increasingly refined inferential valid cognition that are based on reasoning and developed through studying, reflecting, and meditating." ([[Brunnhölzl]], ''[[The Center of the Sunlit Sky]]'', 279)</br></br>"The general scope of analytical meditation encompasses all of the teachings of the Buddha, starting from contemplating impermanence and the preciousness of human existence up through ascertaining the two kinds of identitylessness. Resting meditation includes all types of meditations in which the conclusions achieved through preceding investigation become absorbed by the mind." ([[Brunnhölzl]], ''[[The Center of the Sunlit Sky]]'', 281) Sunlit Sky]]'', 281))
    • Prajñāpāramitā  + (The term itself references a type of intelligence, discernment, or knowledge that embodies the insight which transcends the notions of the three spheres of agent, object, and action.)
    • Hīnayāna  + (The term was used mainly by the proponents of the Greater Vehicle, who considered the goals, understanding, practices, methods, and results of this school as being lesser in scope.)
    • Trikāya  + (The three aspects of perfect enlightenmentThe three aspects of perfect enlightenment of a buddha: the enlightened state of one's mind after full transformation, the pure physical existence one attains as a result of inner perfection, and the myriad forms one can emanate from the enlightened state to help others.from the enlightened state to help others.)
    • Triviṣa  + (These three are traditionally featured as These three are traditionally featured as the central hub in depictions of the so-called wheel of life (Skt. ''bhāvacakra'', Tib. ''srid pa'i 'khor lo''). In these images they are represented by a pig known for sleeping in their own filth and other such behavior as the embodiment of ''moha'', a type of Indian bird that is known for its possessive attachment to its mate as the embodiment of ''rāga'', and a snake that is quick to strike at the slightest provocation as the embodiment of ''dveṣa''. These three are likewise depicted as chasing after, or being pulled along, by each other in a circle to demonstrate how these emotional reactions feed into each other and thus perpetuate this cycle. Though sometimes it is the pig which is pictured biting the tails of both the bird and the snake to show that both those emotional responses are rooted in our lack of understanding.s are rooted in our lack of understanding.)
    • Buddhadhātu  + (This is most likely the direct source of tThis is most likely the direct source of the English term ''buddha-nature'' via its translation into Chinese and Japanese. These traditions tended to treat the Sanskrit terms ''dhātu'', ''gotra'', and ''garbha'' as synonyms when compounded with the term ''buddha'', though the translation of ''buddhadhātu'' seems to have been adopted as the standard technical term to reference the buddha-nature doctrine, as it could cover a wider range of possible meanings. In other words, the term ''dhātu'' could more easily reference both the causal aspect of this nature, commonly associated with the term ''gotra'', and the fruition aspect of this nature, commonly associated with the term ''garbha''.monly associated with the term ''garbha''.)
    • Kun gzhi  + (This term entered the Tibetan lexicon as aThis term entered the Tibetan lexicon as a translation of ''ālaya'', and thus it is often rendered back to its Sanskrit antecedent in modern scholarship and translations. However, as a Tibetan term, it is more commonly read literally as the compound ''all-ground'', or ''ground of everything''. As such it is often used to describe a common locus, or substrate, out of which both saṃsāra and nirvāṇa emerge. of which both saṃsāra and nirvāṇa emerge.)
    • Thugs dam  + (Thugs dam generally refers to meditation aThugs dam generally refers to meditation and spiritual commitment of a religious practitioner but often has the specific meaning of remaining in the state of meditation after death in the Himalayan Buddhist tradition. Highly realised beings are said to remain in this state for period after their death until their enlightened spirit leaves the physical body.lightened spirit leaves the physical body.)