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11 January 2025

N    14:30  Samaresh Bandyopadhyay diffhist +2,893 AlexC talk contribs (Created page with "{{Person |pagename=Bandyopadhyay, S. |MainNamePhon=Samaresh Bandyopadhyay |SortName=Bandyopadhyay, Samaresh |namefirst=Samaresh |namelast=Bandyopadhyay |PersonType=Authors of English Works; Editors; Professors |bio=Born in 1942 in an illustrious family famous for scholarship, patriotism and philanthropic activities, Professor Dr. Bandyopadhyay, a brilliant student of the University of Calcutta, is the recipient of several scholarships, Research Fellowships and a Gold Med...")
     14:30 Upload log AlexC talk contribs uploaded File:Bandyopadhyay Samaresh.png

10 January 2025

N    19:29  Taishū Tagami‎‎ 2 changes history +846 [AlexC‎ (2×)]
19:29 (cur | prev) 0 AlexC talk contribs
19:29 (cur | prev) +846 AlexC talk contribs (Created page with "{{Person |pagename=Tagami, T. |MainNamePhon=Taishū Tagami |SortName=Tagami, Taishū |namefirst=Taishū |namelast=Tagami |PersonType=Authors of Japanese Works |bio=Taishū Tagami is a notable scholar in Buddhist studies, particularly focusing on Zen Buddhism. He has authored several books and publications on Buddhism and Zen thought. Some of his works include: *''Essay on Buddhism'' (12 chapters), published by NHK-shuppan in 1999. *''The World of Buddhism'', published...")
N    18:20  Ācārya Gyaltsen Namdol diffhist +1,294 AlexC talk contribs (Created page with "{{Person |pagename=Namdol, Gyaltsen |MainNamePhon=Ācārya Gyaltsen Namdol |SortName=Namdol, Gyaltsen |namefirst=Gyaltsen |namelast=Namdol |PersonType=Editors; Translators |bio=Ācārya Gyaltsen Namdol is a Tibetan scholar and translator who has made significant contributions to the field of Buddhist studies. He has worked extensively on translating and critically editing important Buddhist texts from Sanskrit and Tibetan. Some of his notable works include: *Translating...")
N    17:38  Banārasī Lāl diffhist +1,307 AlexC talk contribs (Created page with "{{Person |pagename=Lal, B. |MainNamePhon=Banārasī Lāl |SortName=Lāl, Banārasī |namefirst=Banārasī |namelast=Lāl |PersonType=Other Authors |bio=Banārasī Lāl was an Indian scholar specializing in Buddhist studies, particularly in the areas of Sanskrit texts and Buddhist philosophy. He made significant contributions to the field through his research and publications in academic journals. Lāl's work focused on analyzing and interpreting important Buddhist tex...")
N    16:42  Kumatarō Kawada diffhist +1,333 AlexC talk contribs (Created page with "{{Person |pagename=Kawada, K. |MainNamePhon=Kumatarō Kawada |SortName=Kawada, Kumatarō |namefirst=Kumatarō |namelast=Kawada |PersonType=Authors of German Works; Authors of Japanese Works |bio=Kumatarō Kawada was a Japanese philosopher who lived from 1899 to 1981. He was known for his work in comparative philosophy, which involved examining and contrasting Western and Japanese philosophical traditions. Kawada believed that Japanese thinkers should engage in comparativ...")
     15:43  (Upload log) [GelongRingpo‎ (2×)]
15:43 GelongRingpo talk contribs uploaded File:The Sound of Vultures Wings (Cupchik 2024)-front.jpg(Uploaded with SimpleBatchUpload)
15:40 GelongRingpo talk contribs uploaded File:The Golden Garuda (Sodargye 2025)-front.jpg(Uploaded with SimpleBatchUpload)
     13:40  Jed Forman‎‎ 3 changes history +20 [GelongRingpo‎ (3×)]
13:40 (cur | prev) −1 GelongRingpo talk contribs
13:40 (cur | prev) 0 GelongRingpo talk contribs
13:39 (cur | prev) +21 GelongRingpo talk contribs
N    13:28  Putsi Pema Tashi diffhist +477 GelongRingpo talk contribs (Created page with "{{Person |pagename=Putsi Pema Tashi |MainNamePhon=Putsi Pema Tashi |SortName=Tashi, Putsi Pema |OtherNames=Lama Putsi Pema Tashi |PersonType=Tibetan Buddhist Teachers |archivistnotes=It's important to note that this Lama Putsi Pema Tashi should not be confused with the historical Pema Tashi, who was a major student of Dudjom Lingpa in the 19th century. The modern-day Lama Putsi Pema Tashi is a contemporary figure, while the historical Pema Tashi lived in the late 1800s. }}")
N    13:18  Putsi Pema Tashi diffhist +169 GelongRingpo talk contribs (Saved using "Save and continue" button in form)

9 January 2025

     20:08  (Upload log) [GelongRingpo‎ (2×); AlexC‎ (7×)]
20:08 AlexC talk contribs uploaded File:Wilfrid Laurier-logo.png
19:15 AlexC talk contribs uploaded File:Comprendre la Voie mediane Vacuite et interdependance-front.jpg
18:37 AlexC talk contribs uploaded File:Angkor Verlag logo.jpg
18:31 AlexC talk contribs uploaded File:Revelation of Bodhicittam-front.jpg
18:07 AlexC talk contribs uploaded File:Kurukulla Center-logo.png
17:51 AlexC talk contribs uploaded File:Arya Nagarjuna's Praise to Satisfy Sentient Beings A Commentary on the Awakening Mind-front.png
17:28 AlexC talk contribs uploaded File:Rinchen Jamyang-facebook.jpg
12:11 GelongRingpo talk contribs uploaded File:Jed Forman photo.jpg
11:47 GelongRingpo talk contribs uploaded File:TibetanMedicineSeriesNo5 (1982).jpg(Uploaded with SimpleBatchUpload)
     19:36  Thupten Jinpa diffhist −2 AlexC talk contribs
N    17:29  Jamyang Rinchen (Chun Yuan Huang)‎‎ 2 changes history +744 [AlexC‎ (2×)]
17:29 (cur | prev) 0 AlexC talk contribs
17:29 (cur | prev) +744 AlexC talk contribs (Created page with "{{Person |pagename=Rinchen, Jamyang |MainNamePhon=Jamyang Rinchen (Chun Yuan Huang) |SortName=Rinchen, Jamyang |namefirst=Jamyang |namelast=Rinchen |MainNameTib=蔣揚仁欽 |OtherNames=Chun Yuan Huang |PersonType=Translators |bio=Jamyang Rinchen (蔣揚仁欽) moved away from his family in Taiwan at a very young age to become a monk and study at the Dalai Lama’s Institute of Buddhist Dialectics in Dharamsala. He later moved to Boston to complete his doctoral degree at...")
N    17:15  Sera Je Trehor Lharampa Geshe Choewang‎‎ 2 changes history +277 [AlexC‎ (2×)]
17:15 (cur | prev) 0 AlexC talk contribs
17:13 (cur | prev) +277 AlexC talk contribs (Created page with "{{Person |pagename=Choewang, Geshe |MainNamePhon=Sera Je Trehor Lharampa Geshe Choewang |PersonType=Translators |bio=Produced a Chinese translation of Nāgārjuna's ''Praise to Satisfying Sentient Beings,'' published by Kurukulla Center for Tibetan Buddhist Studies in 2015. }}")
N    12:22  Jed Forman‎‎ 3 changes history +1,608 [GelongRingpo‎ (3×)]
12:22 (cur | prev) +3 GelongRingpo talk contribs
12:12 (cur | prev) +34 GelongRingpo talk contribs
12:06 (cur | prev) +1,571 GelongRingpo talk contribs (Created page with "{{Person |MainNamePhon=Jed Forman |SortName=Forman, J. |namefirst=Jed |namelast=Forman |PersonType=Translators |bio=Jed Forman received his undergrad in philosophy from Tufts University with a special certificate for additional studies in Ethics, Law, and Society. After college, he had a successful seven-year career as a computer programmer and street dancer, performing and teaching in New York, LA, and internationally. Jed received his M.S. with distinction in Kinesiolo...")

8 January 2025

     18:47  (Upload log) [AlexC‎ (3×)]
18:47 AlexC talk contribs uploaded File:Thubten Dhargye Ling-logo.png
18:35 AlexC talk contribs uploaded File:Novick Rebecca Mcclen-Penguin.jpg
17:56 AlexC talk contribs uploaded File:Illuminating the Path to Enlightenment-front.png
     18:37 Move log AlexC talk contribs moved page Novick, Rebecca to Rebecca McClen Novick
N    18:37  Novick, Rebecca‎‎ 2 changes history +639 [AlexC‎ (2×)]
18:37 (cur | prev) 0 AlexC talk contribs
18:35 (cur | prev) +639 AlexC talk contribs (Created page with "{{Person |pagename=Novick, Rebecca |MainNamePhon=Rebecca McClen Novick |SortName=Novick, Rebecca |namefirst=Rebecca |namelast=Novick |PersonType=Authors of English Works |bio=Rebecca Novick is a writer who specializes in Tibetan Buddhism, its culture, and the plight of the exiled Tibetans. She has written or edited several books on Buddhism, including ''Fundamentals of Tibetan Buddhism'' and ''Illuminating the Path to Enlightenment'', the latter with His Holiness the Dal...")

7 January 2025

     16:19  (Upload log) [Marcus‎; AlexC‎ (7×)]
16:19 AlexC talk contribs uploaded File:Bodhi Bodhicitta and Bodhisattva-front.jpg
15:47 AlexC talk contribs uploaded File:Bodhicitta Practice for a Meaningful Life-front.jpg
14:48 AlexC talk contribs uploaded File:What Is Bodhicitta?-front.png
14:25 AlexC talk contribs uploaded File:Collins Caitlin-Bodhicharya.jpg
14:03 AlexC talk contribs uploaded File:Lazy Lama Looks at Bodhicitta-front.png
13:17 AlexC talk contribs uploaded File:Ugarit Verlag.jpg
13:07 AlexC talk contribs uploaded File:Laanemets Mart.jpg
13:01 Marcus talk contribs uploaded File:Anam Thubten Rinpoche photo2019 Official.jpg(Category:Thubten, Anam)
N    16:09  Sanjib Kumar Das diffhist +2,426 AlexC talk contribs (Created page with "{{Person |pagename=Das, Sanjib |MainNamePhon=Sanjib Kumar Das |SortName=Das, Sanjib Kumar |namefirst=Sanjib Kumar |namelast=Das |PersonType=Authors of English Works |bio=Born in a middle class family in West Bengal, Professor (Dr.) Sanjib Kumar Das was educated at Chandpara Nimna Buniyadi Vidyalaya (Amtala) and then in Gobardanga Khantura High School. Meanwhile, due to some family problems, he fled away from his home and worked as a waiter in several hotels and sweet sho...")
N    14:57  Erica Ogle diffhist +529 AlexC talk contribs (Created page with "{{Person |pagename=Ogle, E. |MainNamePhon=Erica Ogle |SortName=Ogle, Erica |namefirst=Erica |namelast=Ogle |PersonType=Authors of English Works |bio=Erica Ogle has had a range of professional and personal experiences with children. She writes books primarily for children with the hope to instill lasting wisdom and happiness. Occasionally, she writes a book for adults too. ([ Adapted from Source Jan 7, 2025]) |associate...")
N    14:26  Caitlin Collins diffhist +972 AlexC talk contribs (Created page with "{{Person |pagename=Collins, C. |MainNamePhon=Caitlin Collins |SortName=Collins, Caitlin |namefirst=Caitlin |namelast=Collins |PersonType=Editors |bio=Caitlin Collins, when living in Los Angeles in 1979, had the good fortune to see His Holiness the Dalai Lama on his first visit to America. She has been practising the Dharma ever since under the guidance of His Holiness and other wonderful teachers from the four main Tibetan traditions, as well as Theravada and Zen. Cait h...")
N    13:07  Märt Läänemets diffhist +1,306 AlexC talk contribs (Created page with "{{Person |pagename=Läänemets, M. |MainNamePhon=Märt Läänemets |SortName=Läänemets, Märt |namefirst=Märt |namelast=Läänemets |PersonType=Authors of English Works |bio=Märt Läänemets (born July 14, 1962 in Avinurme) is an Estonian orientalist. His main research interests are Mahāyāna Buddhism and the history of Chinese thought. He has published translations from Chinese, Sanskrit, and English. He has written opinion pieces on contemporary Chinese politics....")
     13:04  Anam Thubten Rinpoche diffhist +1,083 Marcus talk contribs