Ācārya Gyaltsen Namdol

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Namdol, Gyaltsen

PersonType Category:Editors
FirstName / namefirst Gyaltsen
LastName / namelast Namdol
MainNamePhon Ācārya Gyaltsen Namdol
SortName Namdol, Gyaltsen
bio Ācārya Gyaltsen Namdol is a Tibetan scholar and translator who has made significant contributions to the field of Buddhist studies. He has worked extensively on translating and critically editing important Buddhist texts from Sanskrit and Tibetan. Some of his notable works include:
  • Translating and critically editing the Dharmasaṃgraḥ by Ācārya Nāgārjuna in 1988.
  • Restoring, translating, and critically editing Bhāvanākrama I, II, III by Ācārya Kamalaśīla in 1985 and 1997.
  • Translating and critically editing various works by Ācārya Nāgārjuna, including Pratītyasamutpādahṛdaya, Āryadharmadhātugarbhavivaraṇa, and Catuḥstavaḥ.
  • Critically editing Piṇḍīkrama & Pañcakrama of Ācārya Nāgārjuna.
  • Translating Tsongkhapa's Mahāvipaśyanā into Hindi in 2012.

Gyaltsen Namdol has been associated with the Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies (now Central University of Tibetan Studies) in India, where he worked in the Restoration Department. His work has been recognized with awards from the U.P. Sanskrit Sansthan (Academy). (Generated by Perplexity Jan 10, 2025)

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