Taishū Tagami

From Tsadra Commons
Tagami, T.

PersonType Category:Authors of Japanese Works
FirstName / namefirst Taishū
LastName / namelast Tagami
MainNamePhon Taishū Tagami
SortName Tagami, Taishū
bio Taishū Tagami is a notable scholar in Buddhist studies, particularly focusing on Zen Buddhism. He has authored several books and publications on Buddhism and Zen thought. Some of his works include:
  • Essay on Buddhism (12 chapters), published by NHK-shuppan in 1999.
  • The World of Buddhism, published by Sanshu-sha in 1999.
  • Dictionary of Zen Thought, co-authored with Shūdō Ishii.
  • Bodaishin no kenkyu (Study of the Bodhi Mind).
  • Butsuda no iitakatta koto (What Buddha Wanted to Say).
  • Dogen no kokoro (The Heart of Dogen).
  • Dogen no shukyo (Dogen's Religion).
  • Zengo sansaku (Walking Through Zen Words).

(Generated by Perplexity Jan 10, 2025)

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