Kumatarō Kawada

From Tsadra Commons
Kawada, K.

PersonType Category:Authors of German Works
Category:Authors of Japanese Works
FirstName / namefirst Kumatarō
LastName / namelast Kawada
MainNamePhon Kumatarō Kawada
SortName Kawada, Kumatarō
bio Kumatarō Kawada was a Japanese philosopher who lived from 1899 to 1981. He was known for his work in comparative philosophy, which involved examining and contrasting Western and Japanese philosophical traditions. Kawada believed that Japanese thinkers should engage in comparative philosophy due to the influence of Western thinking on their culture.

Kawada made significant contributions to the field of philosophy in Japan. In 1960, he presented his conception of the meaning of comparative philosophy at the annual convention of the Japanese Society of Medieval Philosophy. His work also touched on topics such as the nature of truth and Buddhist concepts, as evidenced by his writings on Gotama Buddha and the concept of Dharmadatu.

Kawada's philosophical approach garnered attention from other scholars, with some of his work being discussed in relation to critiques of intuition and scientific empiricism. His ideas continue to be studied and referenced in academic circles, demonstrating the lasting impact of his contributions to comparative philosophy. (Generated by Perplexity Jan 10, 2025)

YearBirth 1899
YearDeath 1981
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