Adzom Drukpa Drodul Pawo Dorje

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A 'dzoms 'brug pa 'gro 'dul dpa' bo rdo rje

Himalayan Art Resources
PersonType Category:Classical Tibetan Authors
MainNamePhon Adzom Drukpa Drodul Pawo Dorje
MainNameTib ཨ་འཛོམས་འབྲུག་པ་འགྲོ་འདུལ་དཔའ་བོ་རྡོ་རྗེ་
MainNameWylie a 'dzoms 'brug pa 'gro 'dul dpa' bo rdo rje
YearBirth 1842
YearDeath 1924
BornIn bkra shis dung dkar sgang
TibDateGender Male
TibDateElement Water
TibDateAnimal Tiger
TibDateRabjung 14
ReligiousAffiliation Nyingma
EmanationOf a 'dzom rig 'dzin sangs rgyas bkra shis
StudentOf Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo  ·  Patrul Rinpoche  ·  Nyoshul Lungtok Tenpai Nyima  ·  Mipam Gyatso  ·  Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Taye  ·  Fourth Dzogchen Drubwang Mingyur Namkhai Dorje  ·  Khenchen Tashi Özer  ·  Gyurme Trinle Chödrön  ·  Zhechen Öntrul Gyurme Tutop Namgyal  ·  Kunzang Namgyal  ·  pad+ma badz+ra
TeacherOf kun bzang dpal ldan  ·  las rab gling pa  ·  Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö  ·  Dil mgo mkhyen brtse bkra shis dpal 'byor  ·  Tupten Gyaltsen Özer  ·  a g.yu mkha' 'gro rdo rje dpal sgron  ·  khu nu bla ma bstan 'dzin rgyal mtshan  ·  g.yu khog chos dbyings rang grol
Treasury of Lives
IsInGyatsa No
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