'dul 'dzin grags pa rgyal mtshan: Difference between revisions

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|MainNameWylie='dul 'dzin grags pa rgyal mtshan
|PersonType=Classical Tibetan Authors
|PersonType=Classical Tibetan Authors
|MainNameWylie='dul 'dzin grags pa rgyal mtshan
|images=File:Duldzin Drakpa Gyaltsen.jpg{{!}} View Image at [https://www.himalayanart.org/items/65826 Himalayan Art Resources]
|BornIn=sbrang yul (dbus)
|BornIn=sbrang yul (dbus)
|tolExcerpt=Duldzin Drakpa Gyeltsen was one of the principle disciples of Tsongkhapa and Gyeltsab Je. He was famed for his writing on the Vinaya, some of which are included in traditional Geluk monastic education.
|StudentOf=Tsong kha pa; Rgyal tshab rje dar ma rin chen
|TeacherOf='jam dbyangs chos rje bkra shis dpal ldan; mkhas grub rje; Spyan snga blo gros rgyal mtshan
|ReligiousAffiliation=dge lugs
|Incarnations=paN chen bsod nams grags pa
|Incarnations=paN chen bsod nams grags pa
|StudentOf=Tsong kha pa; Rgyal tshab rje dar ma rin chen
|TeacherOf=mkhas grub rje; 'jam dbyangs chos rje bkra shis dpal ldan

Latest revision as of 14:36, 4 April 2022

View Image at Himalayan Art Resources
PersonType Category:Classical Tibetan Authors
MainNameTib འདུལ་འཛིན་གྲགས་པ་རྒྱལ་མཚན་
MainNameWylie 'dul 'dzin grags pa rgyal mtshan
YearBirth 1374
YearDeath 1434
BornIn sbrang yul (dbus)
TibDateGender Male
TibDateElement Wood
TibDateAnimal Tiger
TibDateRabjung 6
affiliation Geluk
Has emanations Paṇchen Sönam Drakpa
StudentOf Tsongkhapa  ·  Gyaltsap Je Dharma Rinchen
TeacherOf Jamyang Chöje Tashi Palden  ·  mkhas grub rje  ·  Chenga Lodrö Gyaltsen
BDRC https://www.tbrc.org/#!rid=P1591
Treasury of Lives https://treasuryoflives.org/biographies/view/Duldzin-Drakpa-Gyeltsen/2891
IsInGyatsa No
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