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A list of all pages that have property "Glossary-Senses" with value "The unadulterated truth, in the sense of something that is taught explicitly without any underlying intention or need for further interpretation.". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

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  • Nītārtha  +
  • Bīja  + (This term can be used in a variety of contThis term can be used in a variety of contexts, though one of the more common usages is related to the Buddhist notion of karma, cause and effect. In this sense, bīja are the seeds of karmic actions, which have the potential to ripen into karmic consequences.tential to ripen into karmic consequences.)
  • Śūnyatā  + (Though emptiness is generally predicated oThough emptiness is generally predicated on the dependent origination of relative phenomena, it is a dialectic method of explaining the ultimate truth through a negative assertion and thereby highlighting what true reality lacks, rather than making a positive assertion of what that reality actually is.ssertion of what that reality actually is.)
  • Nītārtha  + (The unadulterated truth, in the sense of something that is taught explicitly without any underlying intention or need for further interpretation.)
  • Gotra  + (''Gotra'' is used in Buddhist literature in a wide variety of ways. In Yogācāra it is used in the sense of family, lineage, or type to classify beings according to their innate capacity for progress on the path to enlightenment.)
  • Vajrapada  + (''Vajra'' has a variety of meanings depend''Vajra'' has a variety of meanings depending on the context, thus it is often left untranslated. For instance, it can refer to both a physical diamond and something which has the physical qualities of a diamond (i.e., something that is indestructible or indivisible). In this latter sense it is often rendered as "adamantine." In the ''Ratnagotravibhāga'' the seven main topics of the treatise are called "vajra" subjects because they are difficult to penetrate through an understanding that is arrived at through merely hearing or contemplating. In other words, they require direct experience.her words, they require direct experience.)
  • Dhātu  + (A term that has numerous meanings dependinA term that has numerous meanings depending on the context, including physical realms or regions, the (five) elements, as well as aspects of the sense organs, bases, and fields. In terms of buddha-nature theory, it is often treated as synonymous with terms like ''gotra'' and ''garbha'' or even as equivalents of buddha-nature itself, such as ''sugatagarbha''.a-nature itself, such as ''sugatagarbha''.)
  • Amalavijñāna  + (According to East Asian Yogācāra, the absoAccording to East Asian Yogācāra, the absolute purity of mind of a buddha. While the Sanskrit term appears in Vasubandhu's ''Abidharmakośa'' and the accompanying ''Bhaṣya'', the term as it is used in the sense of pure consciousness was first used in Chinese by Paramārtha and then expanded and changed by later Chinese Yogācāra writers. While Paramārtha associated it with thusness and used it to refer to a catalyst for enlightenment, it has come to refer to a ninth consciousness which only appears when the ālayavijñāna, the eighth consciousness, ceases. As such, it is pure, luminous, and permanent. Some writers, however, have equated it to the pure aspect of the ālayavijñāna, as well as with prakṛtiprabhāsvaracitta (the absolute purity of mind), tathāgatagarbha, and even emptiness.ind), tathāgatagarbha, and even emptiness.)
  • Dharmakāya  + (Although this term is sometimes rendered iAlthough this term is sometimes rendered into English as “truth body,” dharmakāya seems to have originally been meant to refer to the entire corpus (''kāya'') of the Buddha’s transcendent qualities (''dharma''). (''The Princeton Dictionary of Buddhism'', p. 242)rinceton Dictionary of Buddhism'', p. 242))
  • Bodhigarbha  + (Buddha-nature in its ultimate sense as the primordially existing essence of buddhahood present in all beings. It is treated as a Tantric/Dzogchen equivalent of the more Sūtra-based terms ''tathāgatagarbha'' and ''sugatagarbha''.)
  • Bodhi  + (Enlightenment has the sense of complete acEnlightenment has the sense of complete actualization of one's true nature or total understanding of reality and freedom from suffering that comes from achieving that realization. </br></br>Enlightenment (Skt., ''bodhi''; Tib., ''byang chub'') is a state that can potentially be attained by any being with a mind. The very nature of the mind as a clear and radiant entity, and of the defilements as adventitious entities that are not essential to our nature, is what allows for the possibility of mental purification, and hence of enlightenment. The clearest doctrinal formulation of this idea is to be found in the concept of buddha-nature (''tathagatagarbha''; ''de bzhin gshegs pa'i snying po''). Whether buddha-nature is the primordial presence of an enlightened state in the minds of beings, something that merely needs to be uncovered, or only a potential that permits the attainment of that state is of course a disputed point in the tradition. Here, it is only important to note that the vast majority of Mahāyāna schools maintain that all beings, regardless of birth, race, social status, and gender, are capable of the attainment of the state of human perfection known as enlightenment.</br>Source: page 192, “Liberation: An Indo-Tibetan Perspective” by José Ignacio Cabezón. Buddhist-Christian Studies, Vol. 12 (1992), pp. 191-198 Published by: University of Hawai'i Press Stable URL: URL:
  • Pratītyasamutpāda  + (In Madhyamaka thought it is used to describe the relative level of the truth. Since phenomena come into being interdependently at this level, they are therefore empty of inherent existence at the ultimate level.)
  • Mahāmudrā  + (It has a sense of being the binding force and refers to the reality of all things. Just as a seal makes a document binding, reality binds all things, including our understanding of the true nature of things. It also refers to a symbolic gesture.)
  • Brahman  + (It has the sense of being pure and expansive as the universal principle. It is the source from which all things emanate, and to which they return.)
  • Lam rim  + (Lam rim has the sense of gradual or graded practice starting from basic techniques to cultivate the thoughts of renunciation, compassion and loving kindness, etc. to insight into ultimate emptiness.)
  • Pariniṣpannasvabhāva  + (Of the three natures, this one is representative of the ultimate truth.)
  • Advaya  + (Often used to reference the ultimate truth, which is beyond dualistic conceptions such as subject and object and so forth.)
  • Prajñā  + (One of the most important terms in BuddhisOne of the most important terms in Buddhist philosophy, ''prajñā'', or ''sherab'' in Tibetan, has the sense of "higher knowing" or "special insight." This is the ''prajñā'' in ''prajñāpāramitā'', and it is associated with the wisdom that perceives/knows the actual nature of reality. See also ''jñāna''.ual nature of reality. See also ''jñāna''.)
  • Paramārthasatya  + (Reality as it appears to an enlightened being, in which all phenomena are perceived to be empty of an individual, permanent essence. This is contrasted to the "relative truth" as experienced by unenlightened beings.)
  • Saṃvṛtisatya  + (Reality as it is experienced by ordinary pReality as it is experienced by ordinary people whose perception is clouded by ignorance, in contrast to "ultimate truth" or "absolute truth," which is reality as perceived by an enlightened being. Relative truth has practical value in daily life, but upon examination all phenomena are found to be empty of individual, permanent existence. empty of individual, permanent existence.)
  • Rang stong  + (Since relative phenomena arise in dependenSince relative phenomena arise in dependence on causes and conditions, they cannot be said to exist based solely on their own defining characteristics. Thus they are deemed to be empty of an innate nature. As a noun, this term generally refers to the more traditional, or orthodox, philosophical stance of the Madhyamaka school and its view of emptiness, as opposed to those who profess other-emptiness (''gzhan stong''). For the latter group, self-emptiness is also asserted to be true, but it is only used to describe the relative truth. However, for traditional Mādhyamikas, emptiness is universally applied, and thus the lack of inherent existence is itself the ultimate truth.nt existence is itself the ultimate truth.)
  • Neyārtha  + (Something that is taught as a means to an end.)
  • Niṣprapañca  + (That which is unadulterated by the complexities or artifice of thought patterns.)
  • Saṃbhogakāya  + (The enjoyment body of the buddha is so called for its perfect and luxurious nature. It is the highest physical form and normally enumerated as one of the three enlightened bodies of a buddha beside truth and emanation bodies.)
  • Tathāgatagarbha  + (The seed or essence of enlightenment. ''TaThe seed or essence of enlightenment. ''Tathāgata'' loosely translates as "one who has gone to a state of enlightenment," while ''garbha'' has the sense of "womb," "essence," and "embryo." Tathāgatagarbha thus suggests a potential or an innate buddhahood possessed by all sentient beings that is either developed or revealed when one attains enlightenment.r revealed when one attains enlightenment.)
  • Bodhisattva  + (The term Bodhisattva rendered into TibetanThe term Bodhisattva rendered into Tibetan as བྱང་ཆུབ་སེམས་དཔའ་ (wyl. byang chub sems dpa') has the sense of heroic beings who have developed the thought of enlightenment or awakening. Thus, a Bodhisattva is defined as a person who has given rise to Bodhicitta or the thought of enlightenment.odhicitta or the thought of enlightenment.)
  • Pramāṇa  + (The term has the sense of being valid, authentic or standard. In Buddhist epistemology, a correct cognition is considered to be the most authentic knowledge or accurate measure of the way things are.)
  • Abhidharma  + (The term has the sense of making knowledge and meaning manifest through intelligent analysis and systematic presentation.)
  • Dharmadhātu  + (The ultimate source of phenomenal appearances, or the basic nature which allows for phenomena to arise in all their multiplicity. It is often treated as a synonym for emptiness and the ultimate truth.)