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Treasury of Lives states that this is the same person as Ra zhi pad+ma rig 'dzin  +
Travelled to Nepal where he unearthed and restored the Boudhanath Stupa and opened the hidden land of yol mo gangs kyi ra ba.  +
Also known as Francis Dojun Cook  +
There is another bsod nams bzang po on [!rid=P2460 BDRC] and [ TOL] that has the exact same dates and many of the same teacher/student relationships.  +
He was considered to be the directly previous birth of Sangs rgyas gling pa  +
One of the eight forms of pad+ma 'byung gnas (gu ru mtshan brgyad)  +
One of the eight forms of pad+ma 'byung gnas (gu ru mtshan brgyad)  +
One of the eight forms of pad+ma 'byung gnas (gu ru mtshan brgyad)  +
Son of mu tig btsan po, a.k.a. sad na legs.  +
The currently available dates of his death make his parentage of 'gyur med 'phrin las rnam rgyal impossible, so there is likely an issue with either the dating of his passing or the birth of his son.  +
The currently available dates of his birth come 4 years after the death of his father, so there is likely an issue with either the dating of his birth or his father's passing.  +
There are two incarnations of the Seventh Dzogchen throne holder, this one born in Sikkim and another born in Tibet ([[Dzogchen Drubwang, 7th]])  +
Hodor. Hodor HODOR hodor, hodor hodor, hodor, hodor hodor. Hodor hodor, hodor. Hodor HODOR hodor, hodor hodor, hodor, hodor hodor. Hodor hodor - hodor hodor hodor - hodor, hodor. Hodor hodor?! Hodor hodor HODOR! Hodor HODOR hodor, hodor hodor... Hodor hodor hodor; hodor HODOR hodor, hodor hodor. Hodor. Hodor hodor HODOR! Hodor hodor hodor hodor... Hodor hodor hodor. Hodor.  +
His works in the Rinchen Terdzod are pure visions, so he is recorded here as an author rather than a terton.  +
Kongtrul claims that he lived during the 6th Rabjung, but this contradicts the notion that he was the subsequent rebirth of Rigdzin Godem, who lived well into the 7th Rabjung.  +
Date is based on Kongtrul's statement that Sangs rgyas gling pa discovered a terma destined for byang chub gling pa, which lead to their meeting in person.  +
The works of this figure included in the Rinchen Terdzod appear to be pure visions, thus he is recorded as an author rather than a terton.  +
Consort of Guru Chowang  +
There appears to be some discrepancies in the numbering of the rdor brag rig 'dzin line of incarnations. Here, I'm following the numbering maintained in the works included in the Rinchen Terdzod.  +
Not sure if this is the same scribe used by Kongtrul, Karma 'gyur med  +