Karmapa, 7th

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Karmapa, 7th

PersonType Category:Classical Tibetan Authors
Has emanations Eighth Karmapa Mikyö Dorje
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Tibetan: ཆོས་གྲགས་རྒྱ་མཚོ་


Other Transliterations in use:


Born: 1454 tre shod
Died: 1506


Other Biographical Information


Biography from kagyuoffice.org

Biography from kagyu.org

Important master of the kar+ma kaM tshang bka' brgyud tradition; known as one of the greatest teachers of the lineage.
Enthroned at the age of 9 months on the lion throne of the sgar chen 'dzam gling rgyan chen, the encampment of the Karmapa.
He was responsible for the establishment of the karma grwa tshang bshad grwa.
He enjoyed the patronage of the ching hwa emperor.
He restored the teachings and discipline at 'bri gung.
Established the bre bo chu mdo rnam rgyal gling dgon pa in spo bo.
Created the smon lam gyi cho ga yan lag nyi shu pa.
According to the bod kyi gal che'i lo rgyus: born in khams rngod mda' spyi nang and d. 53.

Main Students

Main Teachers


Writings About Karmapa, 7th

