Gnyag phu ba bsod nams bzang po

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Revision as of 14:16, 22 February 2018 by Mort (talk | contribs)

PersonType Category:Author
MainNameTib གཉག་ཕུ་བ་བསོད་ནམས་བཟང་པོ་
MainNameWylie gnyag phu ba bsod nams bzang po
AltNamesTib སྨྱུང་གནས་བླ་མ་བསོད་ནམས་བཟང་པོ་  ·  ཇོ་གདན་མཁན་ཆེན་བསོད་ནམས་བཟང་པོ་
AltNamesWylie smyung gnas bla ma bsod nams bzang po  ·  jo gdan mkhan chen bsod nams bzang po
YearBirth 1341
YearDeath 1433
BornIn gsum mdo (gtsang)
TibDateGender Female
TibDateElement Iron
TibDateAnimal Snake
TibDateRabjung 6
StudentOf Gyalse Tokme Zangpo  ·  Sabzang Mati Paṇchen Lodrö Gyaltsen  ·  nya dbon kun dga' dpal
TeacherOf rong ston shes bya kun rig  ·  Fifth Karmapa Deshin Shekpa  ·  Sixth Karmapa Tongwa Donden  ·  dka' bcu pa pad+ma bzang po
Treasury of Lives
IsInGyatsa No
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