Khedrup Je

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Mkhas grub rje

Khedrup Je.jpg
PersonType Category:Classical Tibetan Authors
MainNamePhon Khedrup Je
MainNameTib མཁས་གྲུབ་རྗེ་
MainNameWylie mkhas grub rje
AltNamesTib དགེ་ལེགས་དཔལ་བཟང་  ·  མཁས་གྲུབ་རྗེ་དགེ་ལེགས་དཔལ་བཟང་  ·  མཁས་གྲུབ་དགེ་ལེགས་དཔལ་བཟང་  ·  པཎ་ཆེན་བླ་མ་༠༡་
AltNamesWylie dge legs dpal bzang  ·  mkhas grub rje dge legs dpal bzang  ·  mkhas grub dge legs dpal bzang  ·  paN chen bla ma 01
AltNamesOther Panchen Lama, 1st
YearBirth 1385
YearDeath 1438
BornIn gtsang
TibDateGender Female
TibDateElement Wood
TibDateAnimal Ox
TibDateRabjung 6
ReligiousAffiliation dge lugs
StudentOf Tsongkhapa  ·  Rendawa Zhönu Lodrö
Treasury of Lives
Himalayan Art Resources
IsInGyatsa No
PosBuNayDefProv Provisional
PosBuNayDefProvNotes "However, Khedrup, a student and a junior contemporary of Rendawa, mentions in his Presentation of the General Tantric Systems (rgyud sde spyi rnam), "Lama Jé [that is, Rendawa] asserts that [the Uttaratantra] is a commentarial work on last-wheel teachings, explicating the view of the Cittamätra School." Wangchuk, Tsering, The Uttaratantra in the Land of Snows, p. 88.
PosWheelTurn Third Turning
PosWheelTurnNotes "However, Khedrup, a student and a junior contemporary of Rendawa, mentions in his Presentation of the General Tantric Systems (rgyud sde spyi rnam), "Lama Jé [that is, Rendawa] asserts that [the Uttaratantra] is a commentarial work on last-wheel teachings, explicating the view of the Cittamätra School." Wangchuk, Tsering, The Uttaratantra in the Land of Snows, p. 88.
PosYogaMadhya Yogācāra
PosYogaMadhyaNotes "However, Khedrup, a student and a junior contemporary of Rendawa, mentions in his Presentation of the General Tantric Systems (rgyud sde spyi rnam), "Lama Jé [that is, Rendawa] asserts that [the Uttaratantra] is a commentarial work on last-wheel teachings, explicating the view of the Cittamätra School." Wangchuk, Tsering, The Uttaratantra in the Land of Snows, p. 88.
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