Second Pawo Tsuklak Trengwa

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Revision as of 11:56, 3 December 2018 by Mort (talk | contribs)

Pawo Rinpoche, 2nd

PersonType Category:Classical Tibetan Authors
MainNamePhon Second Pawo Tsuklak Trengwa
MainNameTib གཙུག་ལག་ཕྲེང་བ་
MainNameWylie gtsug lag phreng ba
AltNamesTib གཙུག་ལག་འཕྲེང་བ་  ·  དཔའ་བོ་གཙུག་ལག་ཕྲེང་བ་  ·  མི་ཕམ་ཆོས་ཀྱི་རྒྱ་མཚོ་  ·  མི་ཕམ་ཆོས་ཀྱི་རྒྱལ་པོ་དོན་ཡོངས་སུ་གྲུབ་པ་
AltNamesWylie gtsug lag 'phreng ba  ·  dpa' bo gtsug lag phreng ba  ·  mi pham chos kyi rgya mtsho  ·  mi pham chos kyi rgyal po don yongs su grub pa
YearBirth 1504
YearDeath 1566
BornIn snye thang gi sgangs rgyud
TibDateGender Male
TibDateElement Wood
TibDateAnimal Mouse
TibDateRabjung 8
ReligiousAffiliation Karma Kagyu
PersonalAffiliation gnyags dung rus
Has emanations Third Pawo Tsuklak Gyatso
StudentOf Eighth Karmapa Mikyö Dorje  ·  Fourth Shamarpa Chodrak Yeshe
TeacherOf Ninth Karmapa Wangchuk Dorje  ·  Fifth Shamarpa Könchok Yenlak
Treasury of Lives
IsInGyatsa No
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