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University of Sydney +
Associate Professor Judith Snodgrass write … Associate Professor Judith Snodgrass writes, researches and teaches in the areas of Buddhism in the West, Buddhism and Asian modernity, Buddhist nationalism, and Western knowledge of Asia. She is the author of ''Presenting Japanese Buddhism to the West: Orientalism, Occidentalism and the Columbian Exposition'' (University of North Carolina Press, 2003). Associate Professor Snodgrass was editor of the internationally refereed professional journal ''Japanese Studies'' (Taylor and Francis) from 1997 through 2011. </br></br>In 1991, Judith was a founding member of TAASA (The Asian Art Society of Australia) and was an active member of the Executive for the first decade of its activities. She is currently President of AABS (Australasian Association of Buddhist Studies). In 2012, she chaired the organising committee of the biennial conference of the Asian Studies Association of Australia. ([ Source Accessed June 16, 2020])_snodgrass Source Accessed June 16, 2020]) +
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Associate+Professor+Judith+Snodgrass+write … Associate+Professor+Judith+Snodgrass+writes%2C+researches+and+teaches+in+the+areas+of+Buddhism+in+the+West%2C+Buddhism+and+Asian+modernity%2C+Buddhist+nationalism%2C+and+Western+knowledge+of+Asia.+She+is+the+author+of+%27%27Presenting+Japanese+Buddhism+to+the+West%3A+Orientalism%2C+Occidentalism+and+the+Columbian+Exposition%27%27+%28University+of+North+Carolina+Press%2C+2003%29.+Associate+Professor+Snodgrass+was+editor+of+the+internationally+refereed+professional+journal+%27%27Japanese+Studies%27%27+%28Taylor+and+Francis%29+from+1997+through+2011.+%0A%0AIn+1991%2C+Judith+was+a+founding+member+of+TAASA+%28The+Asian+Art+Society+of+Australia%29+and+was+an+active+member+of+the+Executive+for+the+first+decade+of+its+ac +
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Judith Snodgrass +
University of Sydney +
* Snodgrass, J. (2003), ''Presenti … Books:</br></br>* Snodgrass, J. (2003), ''Presenting Japanese Buddhism to the West: Orientalism, Occidentalism and the Columbian Exposition''. University of North Carolina Press 0807827851.</br></br></br>Chapter in Books:</br></br>* Snodgrass, J. (2018), 'Yangueesuto-Toyo bukkyokara mita nihin no uchidzuke o kentosuru', ''Politics, Society and International Relations in the Asia Pacific Region: History and Prospects'', Akashi Shoten Publishing 9784750347189.</br></br>* Snodgrass, J. (2015), 'Engaged Buddhism in 1920s Japan : the Young East mission for social reform, global Buddhism and world peace', ''Routledge Handbook of Religions in Asia'', Taylor and Francis 9780415635035.</br></br>* Snodgrass, J. (2015), 'The young East : negotiating Japan's place in the world through East Asian Buddhism', ''Japan Viewed from Interdisciplinary Perspectives: History and Prospects'', Lexington Books 9781498500227.</br></br>* Snodgrass, J. (2014), 'Chicago shukyo kaigi no sutoratejii : bukkyo to joyaku kaisei', ''Transformations of the Buddha: Crisscrossing Streams of Modern Buddhism'', Hoso 9784831862266.</br></br>* Snodgrass, J. (2009), 'Publishing Eastern Buddhism: D T Suzuki's journey to the West', ''Casting Faiths: Imperialism and the transformation of religion in East and Southeast Asia'', Palgrave Macmillan Ltd 9780230235458.</br></br>* Snodgrass, J. (2009), 'Discourse, Authority, Demand. The Politics of Early English Publications on Buddhism', ''Transbuddhism. Transmission, Translation, Transformation'', University of Massachusetts Press 9781558497085.</br></br>* Snodgrass, J. (2007), 'Budda no fukuin: The deployment of Paul Carus's Gospel of Buddha in Meiji Japan', ''Defining Buddhism(s)'', Equinox 1845532317.</br></br></br></br>Journal Articles:</br></br>* Snodgrass, J. (2020), 'Discovering a missing masterpiece of Meiji cloisonne', ''TAASA Review'', vol 29, no 1 , pp 4 - 6.</br></br>* Liston, C. and Snodgrass, J. (2020), ''A needle is a small blade. The iron is forged like a sword' : a needle shop in Kyoto', ''TAASA Review'', vol 29, no 1 , pp 16 - 17.</br></br>* Snodgrass, J. (2018), 'Discovering Japan through recent art histories', ''TAASA Review'', vol 27, no 3 , pp 12 - 14.</br></br>* Snodgrass, J. (2018), 'Editorial: Japan', ''TAASA Review'', vol 27, no 3 , pp 3 - 3.</br></br>* Snodgrass, J. (2012), 'Kindai gurobaru bukkyo e no nihon no koken', ''Kindai to Bukkyo'', vol 41 , pp 59 - 76.</br></br>* Snodgrass, J. (2012), 'Japan's contribution to modern global Buddhism : the world's parliament of religions revisited', ''Eastern Buddhist'', vol 43, no 1-2 , pp 81 - 102.</br></br>* Snodgrass, J. (2009), 'Performing Buddhist modernity : the Lumbini Festival, Tokyo 1925', ''Journal of Religious History'', vol 33, no 2 , pp 133 - 148.</br></br>* Snodgrass, J. (2007), 'Exhibiting Meiji Modernity: Japanese art at the Columbian Exposition', ''East Asian History'', vol 31 , pp 75 - 100.</br></br>* Snodgrass, J. (2007), 'Defining Modern Buddhism: Mr and Mrs Rhys Davids and the Pali Text Society', ''Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East'', vol 27, no 1 , pp 186 - 202.</br></br>* Snodgrass, J. (2003), 'Building Modern Thai Identity: The Maha Dhammakaya Cetiya', ''Architectural Theory Review'', vol 8, no 3 , pp 171 - 183.eory Review'', vol 8, no 3 , pp 171 - 183.
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Judith Snodgrass +
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21:00:49, 6 August 2020 +
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