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PersonType Category:Translators
MainNamePhon Sheng-chien
MainNameChi 聖堅
MainNamePin Shèng jiān
SortName Sheng-chien
bio Sheng-chien was apparently greatly respected by Ch'i-fu Kuo-jen, the first ruler of Western Ch'in, who ordered him to make translations (according to the Li-tai-san-pao chi). These translations, which are recorded in later catalogues (Sui and T'ang) as being 14 or 15 individual texts in 24 chüan, may have continued by Sheng-chien into the reign of Ch'i-fu Ch'ien-kuei, as indicated by the excerpt in the K'ai-yüan shih chiao lu. In this latter record, the list of the titles for the translated sutras (none are extant now) attributed to the Western Ch'in, possibly to Sheng-chien, reveal at least one text translating the "Entering the Dharma World" (Ju-fa-chieh p'in) section of the Hua-yen sutra.
YearBirth 388
YearDeath 407
IsInGyatsa No
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