Ann Helm

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Helm, A.

FirstName / namefirst Ann
LastName / namelast Helm
MainNamePhon Ann Helm
bio A long–term student of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, Ann joined the Nalanda Translation Committee in 1986. She studied Tibetan at Naropa University, mainly with Dzigar Kongtrul, and she taught Tibetan and Foundations of Buddhism at Naropa from 1991-2004. After 30 years in Boulder, Ann lived as a retreatant for eight years at Padma Samye Ling, the monastery in upstate New York of Khenchen Palden Sherab and Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal. From 1997 to 2014, she translated primarily with Ringu Tulku and for Dharma Samudra, the Khenpo Brothers’ publication group. In 2014 Ann moved to Portland, Oregon, where she continues her Buddhist practice and study under the guidance of Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche. (Source Accessed Sept 9, 2020)
languagetranslation Tibetan
languagetarget English
StudentOf Mingyur, Yongey  ·  Khenchen Palden Sherab  ·  Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche  ·  Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche
  • Mipham's Sword of Wisdom: The Nyingma Approach to Valid Cognition by Khenchen Palden Sherab, (Wisdom Publications, 2018).
  • Confusion Arises as Wisdom: Gampopa's Heart Advice on the Path of Mahamudra by Gampopa and Ringu Tulku, (Shambhala Publications, 2012).
  • Jetsun Tröma: An Arrangement of Practice and Offerings that Open the Door to Wisdom by Tsasum Lingpa, (Dharma Samudra, 2010).
  • From the Profound Longevity Practice, the Iron Knot: The Sadhana of the Rainbow-Body Life-Force by Tsasum Lingpa, (Dharma Samudra, 2010).
  • Selections from the Le’u Dunma, with the brief practice liturgy by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo, (Dharma Samudra, 2010).
  • Daily Practice of Black Garuda: Flaming Razor Knife by Tsasum Lingpa, (Dharma Samudra, 2009).
  • Yumka Dechen Gyalmo, The Queen of Great Bliss by Jigme Lingpa, (Dharma Samudra, 2009).
  • Rain of Blessings: The Guru Yoga of Glorious Rongzom Mahapandita by Jamgon Mipham Rinpoche, (Dharma Samudra, 2009).
  • Miracle Stories of Mipham Rinpoche; the Victorious Battle Drum that Accompanies the Supplication to Mipham Gyatso by Khenchen Jigme Phuntsok (Nalanda Translation Committee, 2008).
  • Condensed Daily Practice of the Eight Herukas terma of Tsasum Lingpa (Dharma Samudra, 2008).
  • Akshobhya Sadhana terma of Longsal Dorje Nyingpo (Dharma Samudra, 2008).
  • Aspiration for the Spread of the Nyingma Teachings by Jamgon Mipham Rinpoche (Dharma Samudra, 2008).
  • Black Hayagriva condensed sadhana, terma of Tsasum Lingpa (Dharma Samudra, 2007).
  • The Swift Fulfillment of Wishes, a supplication to Guru Padmakara by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo (Dharma Samudra, 2007).
  • Chetsun Nyingtik Ngondro, terma of Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo (Dharma Samudra, 2007).
  • Entering the City of Omniscience, an aspiration by Jigme Lingpa (Dharma Samudra, 2006).
  • Chetsun Nyingtik Ngondro extracted from the commentary by Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Thaye called the Secret Sphere of the Great Perfection (Dharma Samudra, 2005.
  • The Ri-me Philosophy of Jamgön Kongtrul the Great by Ringu Tulku (Shambhala Publications, 2006. Translated with Ringu Tulku).
  • The Lotus Garland, an Avalokiteshvara sadhana by Tsasum Lingpa (Dharma Samudra, 2005).
  • The Daily Practice of Noble Lady Tara by Dudjom Rinpoche, Jigdral Yeshe Dorje (Dharma Samudra, 2005).
  • The Tantric Sadhana of Peaceful Manjushri by Mipham Rinpoche (Dharma Samudra, 1999).
  • The Longchen Nyingtik Chöd: The Bellowing Laugh of the Dakini by Jigme Lingpa (Dharma Samudra, 1993).
IsInGyatsa No
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Full Name

Ann Helm


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