Sa bzang ma ti paN chen blo gros rgyal mtshan

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Sa bzang ma ti paN chen blo gros rgyal mtshan

PersonType Category:Classical Tibetan Authors
MainNameTib ས་བཟང་མ་ཏི་པཎ་ཆེན་བློ་གྲོས་རྒྱལ་མཚན་
MainNameWylie sa bzang ma ti paN chen blo gros rgyal mtshan
AltNamesTib འཇམ་དབྱངས་བློ་གྲོས་
AltNamesWylie 'jam dbyangs blo gros
YearBirth 1294
YearDeath 1376
BornIn mnga' ris
TibDateGender Male
TibDateElement Wood
TibDateAnimal Horse
TibDateRabjung 5
ReligiousAffiliation jo nang
EmanationOf Maitreya  ·  khro phu lo tsA ba byams pa dpal
StudentOf Dölpopa Sherab Gyaltsen  ·  kun spangs chos grags dpal bzang  ·  jo nang lo tsA ba blo gros dpal
TeacherOf red mda' ba gzhon nu blo gros  ·  sa bzang 'phags pa gzhon nu blo gros
Treasury of Lives
IsInGyatsa No
PosBuNayDefProv Definitive
PosAllBuddha Yes
  1. "Sazang also demonstrates that both tathägata-essence and its attendant enlightened qualities exist inherently and permanently in the nature of all living beings. Wangchuk, Tsering, The Uttaratantra in the Land of Snows, p. 58.
PosWheelTurn Third Turning
PosYogaMadhyaNotes "Finally, although his Uttaratantra commentary does not

explicitly raise the issue of whether last-wheel texts such as the Samdhinirmocanasütra and the Mahâyânasütrâlamkâra explain the view of Cittamätra or Madhyamaka, his commentary on the Abhidharmasamuccaya addresses the question and follows Dolpopa's position quite closely. In it, he clearly demonstrates that these treatises explain Cittamätra temporarily, but ultimately they teach the ultimate truth of the Madhyamaka." Wangchuk, Tsering, The Uttaratantra in the Land of Snows, p. 58.

PosZhenRang Zhentong
PosZhenRangNotes "While the commentary does not employ the word "other-emptiness" to describe the ultimate truth, it explains the ultimate truth or tathägata-essence in the way that other-emptiness is delineated in Dolpopa's works." Wangchuk, Tsering, The Uttaratantra in the Land of Snows, p. 58.
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