Karmapa, 16th
Karmapa, 16th
Tibetan: རང་བྱུང་རིག་པའི་རྡོ་རྗེ་
Other Transliterations in use:
Born: 1924 'dan khog
Died: 1981
Other Biographical Information
Biography from kagyuoffice.org
Important hierarch of the kamtsang kagyu tradition.
1931 - Installed at dpal-spungs dgon.
Built the gling-kha dar-rgyas-chos-gling.
Main Students
- Jamgön Kongtrül, 3rd (karma blo gros chos kyi seng+ge)
- grags pa yongs 'dus
- ugyen rinpoche
- Twelfth Goshir Gyaltsab Drakpa Tenpa Yarpel (grags pa bstan pa yar 'phel)
- Twelfth Tai Situ Pema Dönyö Nyinje (pad+ma don yod nyin byed)
- Shamarpa, 13th (mi pham chos kyi blo gros)
Main Teachers
- thub bstan rgya mtsho
- thub bstan chos kyi rdo rje
- Eleventh Tai Situpa Pema Wangchok Gyalpo (pad+ma dbang mchog rgyal po)
- Jamgön Kongtrul Khyentse Özer (mkhyen brtse'i 'od zer)
- karma bshad sgrub chos kyi seng ge
- 'jam dbyangs chos kyi blo gros
Writings About Karmapa, 16th
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