Karmapa, 2nd
Karmapa, 2nd
PersonType | Category:Classical Tibetan Authors |
Has emanations | Third Karmapa Rangjung Dorje |
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Tibetan: ཀརྨ་པཀྵི་
- karma pak+Shi
- karma pa 02 karma pak+Shi - Personal Name
- chos kyi bla ma - Primary Name
Other Transliterations in use:
Birth: 1204 sa stod dkyil le tsag to (sde dge)
Death: 1283
Other Biographical Information
Biography from kagyuoffice.org
Notes from TBRC:
- W18133 - Important master of the karma kaM tshang tradition; founded a monastery at spungs ri moved to mtshur phu hor rgyal po gor be sent a golden letter inviting him to the palace or 'ur tu according to the bod kyi gal che'i lo rgyus: died at the age of 78. re'u mig gives his date of death as 1261. karma pakShis me sbrul (1257), lcags sprel (1260), lo 'di (1261) gsum la hor yul du grub rtags bstan.
- W19801 - bio
- W25268 - biography dates: 1204-1283
- W19808 - dates
- W26372 - 1260. karma pakshi grub rtags thengs gnyis pa bstan 1261. karma pakshi sog yul du grub rtags gsum pa bstan 1263. karma pakshi rin po che sog yul nas bod du phyir phebs mdzad