Ming-Wood Liu

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Liu, M.

PersonType Category:Authors of English Works
MainNamePhon Ming-Wood Liu
bio Ming-Wood Liu received his PhD in Buddhist Studies under UCLA’s inaugural professor of Chinese Buddhism, Kenneth Ch’en. Liu is the author of Madhyamaka Thought in China (Sinica Leidensia, 30), and many research articles in Chinese Buddhism, including "Fan Chen's ‘Treatise on the Destructibility of the Spirit’ and its Buddhist Critics" (Philosophy East and West), "The Lotus Sûtra and Garland Sûtra According to the Tien-t'ai and Hua-yen Schools in Chinese Buddhism" (T'oung Pao), and "Madhyamika and Yogacara Interpretations of the Buddhist-nature Concept in Chinese Buddhism" (Philosophy East and West). He was a lecturer in Chinese Philosophy at the University of Hong Kong. (Source Accessed Jan 14, 2019)
phduniversity UCLA
IsInGyatsa No
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Full Name

Ming-Wood Liu



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Template:DRL Authors of English Works