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PersonType Category:Translators
MainNamePhon Tilakakalaśa
MainNameTib ཐིག་ལེ་བུམ་པ་
MainNameWylie Thig le bum pa
SortName Tilakakalaśa
bio Tilakakalaśa: Tilakakalśa or Tilakalaśa is known in Tibetan as Thig-le bum-pā. The name is sometimes rendered as Bindukalaśa. He occupied himself mostly in the Mādhyamika philosophy, and composed four hymns. He collaborated with Ñi-ma grags and Blo-ldan śes-rab.

Before going to Tibet, he translated in Kashmir, with Ñi-ma grags the Mādhyamakāvatāra of Candrakīrti and the self-commentary in 3550 [?] ślokas. Together, both re-arranged the translation of the Mādhyamakāvatārakārikā done by Kṛṣṇapāda and Chul-kḥrims rgyal-pa. They also translated Śrīguḥyasāmājamaṇḍalopāyikāviṃśavidhi of Nāgabodhi. The work is attached to the school of the Guhyasamāja of Nāgārjuna.

In collaboration with Blo-ldan śes-rab, Tilakakalaśa reviewed the interpretation of the Śikṣāsamuccaya of Śāntideva done by Dānaśīla, Jinamitra and Ye-śes sde during the 9th century. Together they also translated two texts dealing with the Prajñāpāramitā ('Perfection of Wisdom') in 8000 stanzas. The texts include: Āryaprajñāpāramitāsaṃgrahakārikā of Dignāga, also known as Aṣṭasāhasrikāpinḍārtha, and its commentary in 540 ṣlokas by Triratnadāsa. He also translated the following fifteen hymns:

1. The Vāgiśvarastotra,
2. The Āryamañjuśrīstotra,
3. The Āryavāgiśvarastotra,
4. The Lokeśvarasiṃhanāda nāma stora [stotra?],
5. Prajñāpāramitastotra
6. Acintyastava,
7. Stutyatītastava,
8. Niruttarastava,
9. Āryabhattārakamañjuśrīparmārhastuti,
10. Āryamañjuśrībhattārakakarunāstotra,
11. Aṣṭamahāsthanacaityastotra,
12. Aṣṭamahāsthanacaityastotra
[Listed 2x in source] 13. Dvādaśakāranayastotra,
14. Vandanāstotra, and
15. Narakoddhāra.

Of these, the first four are attributed to Tilakakalaśa himself and the rest to Nāgārjuna. (Kaul, Buddhist Savants of Kashmir, 47–48)

IsInGyatsa No
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