Brandon Dotson

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Dotson, B.

PersonType Category:Authors of English Works
FirstName / namefirst Brandon
LastName / namelast Dotson
MainNamePhon Brandon Dotson
SortName Dotson, Brandon
bio Brandon Dotson is associate professor and Thomas P. McKenna Chair of Buddhist Studies. Besides Georgetown, he has taught and researched at Oxford, SOAS, UCSB, and Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich. He has also enjoyed research stays in China and Tibet. His work concerns ritual, narrative, and cosmology and the interaction of Buddhist and non-Buddhist traditions in the Tibetan cultural area. In particular, he works closely with Tibetan Dunhuang manuscripts to explore the history and culture of the Tibetan Empire (7th to 9th centuries CE). (Source: Georgetown University Page)
associatedwebsite // Faculty Page
affiliation Georgetown University
phduniversity University of Oxford
  • University of Oxford - D.Phil
  • University of Oxford - M.Phil
  • Wesleyan University - B.A.
IsInGyatsa No
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Template:DRL Authors of English Works