Pearcey, A.

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Pearcey, A.

Full Name

Adam Pearcey


Rigpa - Sogyal Rinpoche - Wu Tai Shan Clan


Other Information

Adam Pearcey began studying Tibetan Buddhism in 1994 at the age of 17, shortly after leaving school, when he taught English in two monasteries near Darjeeling. He went on to study Tibetan and Sanskrit at London University’s School of Oriental and African Studies, and at the Rangjung Yeshe Institute in Nepal, where he also taught Tibetan and served as an interpreter. He also holds a master’s degree from Oxford University. He founded Lotsāwa House, an online library of translation, in 2004, and is currently director of the Rigpa Shedra. He was the principal translator of Mind in Comfort and Ease by His Holiness the Dalai Lama (Wisdom Publications, 2007), and recently completed Ga Rabjampa’s To Dispel the Misery of the World (Wisdom Publications, 2012), at the request of the late Khenpo Appey.

Source (Accessed Aug 24, 2014)

Adam Pearcey works as a translator for Rigpa Translations and is a member of the Wu Tai Shan Clan. His main teachers are:

His first publications are:

  • Lotsawa House — Featuring translations of many important texts of Tibetan Buddhism.
  • Lotsawa School — News and resources for Tibetan translators in training

Source (Accessed Aug 24, 2014)


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