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|BnwShortPersonBio=Dānapāla. (C. Shihu; J. Sego; K. Siho 施護) (d.u.; fl. c. 980 CE). In Sanskrit, lit. "Protector of Giving"; one of the last great Indian translators of Buddhist texts into Chinese. A native of Oḍḍiyāna in the Gandhāra region of India, he was active in China during the Northern Song dynasty. At the order of the Song Emperor Taizhong (r. 960-997), he was installed in a translation bureau to the west of the imperial monastery of Taiping Xingguosi (in Yuanzhou, present-day Jiangxi province), where he and his team are said to have produced some 111 translations in over 230 rolls. His translations include texts from the prajnäpäramitä, M adhyam aka, and tantric
traditions, including the Astasähasrikäprajnäpäram itä, SUVARNAPRABHÄSOTTAMASÜTRA, S aRVATATHÄGATAI ATTVASAMGRAHA, H evajratantra, N ägärjuna’s Yuktisastikä and D harmadhätustava,
and K am alaśIla’s B hävanäkrama, as well as several d h ära nI texts.

Revision as of 17:04, 20 August 2020

PersonType Category:Translators
MainNamePhon Dānapāla
IsInGyatsa No
BnwShortPersonBio Dānapāla. (C. Shihu; J. Sego; K. Siho 施護) (d.u.; fl. c. 980 CE). In Sanskrit, lit. "Protector of Giving"; one of the last great Indian translators of Buddhist texts into Chinese. A native of Oḍḍiyāna in the Gandhāra region of India, he was active in China during the Northern Song dynasty. At the order of the Song Emperor Taizhong (r. 960-997), he was installed in a translation bureau to the west of the imperial monastery of Taiping Xingguosi (in Yuanzhou, present-day Jiangxi province), where he and his team are said to have produced some 111 translations in over 230 rolls. His translations include texts from the prajnäpäramitä, M adhyam aka, and tantric

traditions, including the Astasähasrikäprajnäpäram itä, SUVARNAPRABHÄSOTTAMASÜTRA, S aRVATATHÄGATAI ATTVASAMGRAHA, H evajratantra, N ägärjuna’s Yuktisastikä and D harmadhätustava, and K am alaśIla’s B hävanäkrama, as well as several d h ära nI texts.

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