Kun dga' grol mchog: Difference between revisions

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Kun dga' grol mchog
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|tolExcerpt=Kunga Drolchok (kun dga' grol mchog) was born in 1507 in Lo Montang (glo smon thang), the capital of the Mustang (glo) region of present-day Nepal. His main teacher as a youth was his uncle, the Sakya master Drungpa Choje Kunga Chokdrub (drung pa chos rje kun dga' mchog grub, d.u.), who was a disciple of the great Sakya master Dakchen Lodro Gyeltsen (bdag chen blo gros rgyal mtshan, 1444-1495).
Kunga Drolchok received ordination as a novice monk from Drungpa Choje when he was ten years old, and stayed with him constantly for the next four years, receiving many initiations and teachings of the Sakya tradition, including Lamdre three times.
In 1519, when Kunga Drolchok was thirteen years old, he traveled with his elder brother to U and Tsang for further studies. They first went to the great monastery of Sakya and the nearby retreat center of Khau Drakdzong (kha'u brag rdzong), where they received teachings from the master Kunpang Doringpa (kun spangs rdo ring pa, d.u.).
Then they proceeded to the Sakya monastery of Serdokchen (gser mdog can), the monastic seat of Paṇchen Śākya Chokden (paN chen shAkya mchog ldan, 1428-1507), where they began the serious study of epistemology and other scholastic subjects under the guidance of Shākya Chokden's disciple and successor, Donyo Drubpa, known by the Sanskrit version of his name, Amoghasiddhi (a mo g+ha sidd+hi, don yod grub pa, d.u.). But tragedy soon stuck. A smallpox epidemic claimed the lives of nineteen of the twenty-two students, including Kunga Drolchok's elder brother.

Latest revision as of 10:13, 8 January 2021

Kun dga' grol mchog.jpg Kunga Drolchok.jpg
PersonType Category:Classical Tibetan Authors
MainNamePhon Kunga Drolchok
MainNameTib ཀུན་དགའ་གྲོལ་མཆོག་
MainNameWylie kun dga' grol mchog
YearBirth 1507
YearDeath 1566
BornIn glo smon thang
TibDateGender Female
TibDateElement Fire
TibDateAnimal Rabbit
TibDateRabjung 9
ReligiousAffiliation Jonang
Has emanations TA ra nA tha
StudentOf lo chen rat+na bha dra
TeacherOf Jangdak Tashi Topgyal  ·  Gyurme Dechen
BDRC https://www.tbrc.org/#!rid=P2387
Treasury of Lives http://treasuryoflives.org/biographies/view/Jetsun-Kunga-Drolchok/4085
IsInGyatsa No
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