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'gro mgon chos rgyal 'phags pa
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|PersonType=Authors of Tibetan Works
|pagename='gro mgon chos rgyal 'phags pa
|PersonType=Classical Tibetan Authors
|images=File:Pakpa Lodro Gyaltsen HAR.jpg
|MainNamePhon=Drogön Chögyal Pakpa
|MainNameWylie='gro mgon chos rgyal 'phags pa
|AltNamesWylie='phags pa blo gros rgyal mtshan;
chos rgyal 'phags pa;
'gro mgon 'phags pa blo gros rgyal mtshan;
blo gros rgyal mtshan;
|AltNamesOther=Pakpa Lodro Gyaltsen;
Chögyal Phagpa;
Chögyal Phakpa;
Chogyal Phagpa;
Drogön Chögyal Phagpa;
Drogon Chogyal Phagpa;
Drogön Phagpa Lodrö Gyaltsen;
Drogon Phagpa Lodro Gyaltsen;
|bornin=klu khang (mnga' ris)
|PersonalAffiliation=Sonam Gyeltsen (Father); Kunga Kyi (Mother); Sakya Paṇḍita Kunga Gyaltsen (Uncle)
|tolExcerpt=Pakpa Lodro Gyeltsen was the fifth of the Five Sakya Patriarchs, the men credited with having established the foundation of the Sakya tradition. His father was Sonam Gyeltsen, the younger brother of the great scholar Sakya Paṇḍita Kunga Gyeltsen. He went to Godan Khan’s court with Sakya Paṇḍita as a boy, and went on to play a central role in Tibetan relations with Khubilai Khan and the Mongol rulers of the Yuan Dynasty. Sakya became the capital of Mongolian-ruled Tibet, and using funds from the new Yuan state Pakpa built the Lhakhang Chenmo at Sakya, establishing what is commonly known as Sakya Monastery. He and Sakya Paṇḍita are also credited with developing a written script so that Buddhist texts could be translated into Mongolian, which had previously not been written. This is named Pakpa Script in his honor.
== Names ==
<div class=TibName>[[འགྲོ་མགོན་ཆོས་རྒྱལ་འཕགས་པ་]]</div>
*[['gro mgon chos rgyal 'phags pa]]<br>
*[[chos rgyal 'phags pa]]<br>
*[['gro mgon 'phags pa blo gros rgyal mtshan]]<br>
*[[blo gros rgyal mtshan]]
'''Other Transliterations in use:'''<br>
*[[Chögyal Phagpa]]<br>
*[[Chögyal Phakpa]]<br>
*[[Chogyal Phagpa]]<br>
*[[Drogön Chögyal Phagpa]]<br>
*[[Drogon Chogyal Phagpa]]<br>
*[[Drogön Phagpa Lodrö Gyaltsen]]<br>
*[[Drogon Phagpa Lodro Gyaltsen]]<br>
== Dates ==
Born: 1235 klu khang (mnga' ris)<br>
Died: 1280<br>
== Affiliation ==
== Other Biographical Information ==
== Other Biographical Information ==

Revision as of 14:56, 24 August 2020

Pakpa Lodro Gyaltsen HAR.jpg
PersonType Category:Classical Tibetan Authors
MainNamePhon Drogön Chögyal Pakpa
MainNameTib འགྲོ་མགོན་ཆོས་རྒྱལ་འཕགས་པ་
MainNameWylie 'gro mgon chos rgyal 'phags pa
AltNamesTib འཕགས་པ་བློ་གྲོས་རྒྱལ་མཚན་
AltNamesWylie 'phags pa blo gros rgyal mtshan  ·  chos rgyal 'phags pa  ·  'gro mgon 'phags pa blo gros rgyal mtshan  ·  blo gros rgyal mtshan
AltNamesOther Pakpa Lodro Gyaltsen  ·  Chögyal Phagpa  ·  Chögyal Phakpa  ·  Chogyal Phagpa  ·  Drogön Chögyal Phagpa  ·  Drogon Chogyal Phagpa  ·  Drogön Phagpa Lodrö Gyaltsen  ·  Drogon Phagpa Lodro Gyaltsen
YearBirth 1235
YearDeath 1280
BornIn Ngari
ReligiousAffiliation Sakya
PersonalAffiliation Sonam Gyeltsen (Father); Kunga Kyi (Mother); Sakya Paṇḍita Kunga Gyaltsen (Uncle)
BDRC https://www.tbrc.org/#!rid=P1048
Treasury of Lives https://treasuryoflives.org/biographies/view/Pakpa-Lodro-Gyeltsen/2051
Himalayan Art Resources https://www.himalayanart.org/items/162
IsInGyatsa No
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Other Biographical Information[edit]


Biography from hhthesakyatrizin.org

Main Students[edit]

Main Teachers[edit]


Writings About 'gro mgon chos rgyal 'phags pa[edit]

