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Karmapa, 11th
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|pagename=Karmapa, 11th
|PersonType=Classical Tibetan Authors
|PersonType=Classical Tibetan Authors; Tulkus
|images=File:Karmapa 11th.jpg{{!}}[https://www.himalayanart.org/items/61056 Himalayan Art Resources]
|MainNamePhon=Eleventh Karmapa Yeshe Dorje
|MainNameWylie=ye shes rdo rje
|AltNamesWylie=karma pa bcu gcig pa
|AltNamesOther=Karmapa, 11th
|BornIn=smar khams rdzong
|ReligiousAffiliation=Karma Kagyu
|StudentOf=Yon dge mi 'gyur rdo rje; stag sham nus ldan rdo rje; Shamarpa, 7th;
|TeacherOf=Shamarpa, 8th;
== Names ==
'''Tibetan:''' <span class=TibetanUnicode20>[[ཡེ་ཤེས་རྡོ་རྗེ]]</span><br>
*[[ye shes rdo rje]]
*[[karma pa 11 ye shes rdo rje]]
*[[karmapa 11]]
'''Other Transliterations in use:'''<br>
*[[Yeshe Dorje]]
*[[11th Karmapa]]
*[[Eleventh Karmapa]]
== Dates ==
Born: 1675/1676 smar khams rdzong<br>
Died: 1702<br>
== Affiliation ==
*[[Karma Kagyu]]
== Other Biographical Information ==
[http://tbrc.org/link?RID=P943 TBRC RID: P943]
[http://www.kagyuoffice.org/kagyulineage.karmapa11.html Biography from kagyuoffice.org]
[http://www.kagyu.org/kagyulineage/lineage/kag29.php Biography from kagyu.org]
== Main Students ==
*karma don grub snying po
*[[Shamarpa, 8th]] ([[dpal chen chos kyi don grub]])
*karma bstan pa dar rgyas
== Main Teachers ==
*mi 'gyur rdo rje
*nus ldan rdo rje
*[[Shamarpa, 7th]] ([[ye shes snying po]])
*karma phrin las
== Quotes ==
== Writings About {{PAGENAME}} ==
== Writings ==

Latest revision as of 17:32, 28 November 2018

Himalayan Art Resources
PersonType Category:Classical Tibetan Authors
MainNamePhon Eleventh Karmapa Yeshe Dorje
MainNameTib ཡེ་ཤེས་རྡོ་རྗེ
MainNameWylie ye shes rdo rje
AltNamesTib ཀརྨ་པ་བཅུ་གཅིག་པ་
AltNamesWylie karma pa bcu gcig pa
AltNamesOther Karmapa, 11th
YearBirth 1676
YearDeath 1702
BornIn smar khams rdzong
TibDateGender Male
TibDateElement Fire
TibDateAnimal Dragon
TibDateRabjung 11
ReligiousAffiliation Karma Kagyu
StudentOf Yon dge mi 'gyur rdo rje  ·  stag sham nus ldan rdo rje  ·  Seventh Shamarpa Yeshe Nyingpo
TeacherOf Eighth Shamarpa Palchen Chokyi Dondrub
BDRC https://www.tbrc.org/#!rid=P943
Treasury of Lives https://treasuryoflives.org/en/biographies/view/biography/12234
IsInGyatsa No
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