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|pagename=Karmapa, 14th
|PersonType=Classical Tibetan Authors
|PersonType=Classical Tibetan Authors
|MainNameWylie=theg mchog rdo rje
|MainNamePhon=Fourteenth Karmapa Tekchok Dorje
|AltNamesWylie=karma pa bcu bzhi pa; blo bzang grub mchog
|AltNamesTib=ཀརྨ་པ་བཅུ་བཞི་པ་; བློ་བཟང་གྲུབ་མཆོག་
|ReligiousAffiliation=Karma Kagyu
|EmanationOf=Karmapa, 13th
|Incarnations=Karmapa, 15th
|StudentOf=Tai Situpa, 9th; Kun gzigs chos kyi snang ba; Karma bstan 'dzin phrin las
|TeacherOf='jam mgon kong sprul; Mchog gyur gling pa; Bkra shis 'od zer; Karma nges don bstan pa rab rgyas; Drukchen, 9th
|BiographicalInfo=*Important hierarch of the karma kaM tshang tradition.
*Recognized as the embodiment of the 13th Karmapa by the 8th 'brug chen kun gzigs chos kyi snang ba and given the name theg mchog rdo rje.
*Introduced the 'cham of the gsang 'dus and phur pa sgrub chen during the month of sa ga zla ba at mtshur phu.
*His recognition was authenticated through the use of the golden urn.
|images=File:Thekchok Dorje.jpg{{!}}[http://www.himalayanart.org/items/61070 Himalayan Art Resources]
== Names ==
'''Tibetan:''' <span class=TibetanUnicode20>[[ཐེག་མཆོག་རྡོ་རྗེ་]]</span><br>
*[[theg mchog rdo rje]]
*[[karma pa 14 theg mchog rdo rje]]
*[[blo bzang grub mchog]]
*[[rgyal dbang bcu bzhi pa]]
*[[Dpal ldan theg pa mchog gi rdo rje]]
'''Other Transliterations in use:'''<br>
*[[Thekchok Dorje]]
*[[Thegchog Dorje]]
*[[Losang Drubchok]]
*[[Losang Drubchog]]
*[[14th Karmapa]]
*[[Fourteenth Karmapa]]
== Dates ==
Born: 1798/1799<br>
Died: 1868/1869<br>
== Affiliation ==
*[[Karma Kagyu]]
== Other Biographical Information ==
[http://tbrc.org/link?RID=P562 TBRC RID: P562]
[http://www.kagyuoffice.org/kagyulineage.karmapa14.html Biography from kagyuoffice.org]
[http://www.kagyu.org/kagyulineage/lineage/kag36.php Biography from kagyu.org]
Important hierarch of the karma kaM tshang tradition.<br>
Recognized as the embodiment of the 13th Karmapa by the 8th 'brug chen kun gzigs chos kyi snang ba and given the name theg mchog rdo rje.<br>
Introduced the 'cham of the gsang 'dus and phur pa sgrub chen during the month of sa ga zla ba at mtshur phu.<br>
His recognition was authenticated through the use of the golden urn.<br>
== Main Students ==
*[[Jamgön Kongtrül, 1st]] ([[blo gros mtha' yas]])
*[[mchog gyur gling pa]]
*bkra shis 'od zer
*mi 'gyur dbang rgyal
*gtsug lag nyin byed
*[[Tai Situpa, 10th]] ([[pad+ma kun bzang chos rgyal]])
*nges don bstan pa rab rgyas
*gsang sngags bstan 'dzin
*klu 'bum dge bshes
== Main Teachers ==
*[[Tai Situpa, 9th]] ([[pad+ma nyin byed dbang po]])
*kun gzigs chos kyi snang ba
== Quotes ==
== Writings About {{PAGENAME}} ==
== Writings ==

Revision as of 13:27, 23 March 2018

Himalayan Art Resources
PersonType Category:Classical Tibetan Authors
MainNamePhon Fourteenth Karmapa Tekchok Dorje
MainNameTib ཐེག་མཆོག་རྡོ་རྗེ་
MainNameWylie theg mchog rdo rje
AltNamesTib ཀརྨ་པ་བཅུ་བཞི་པ་  ·  བློ་བཟང་གྲུབ་མཆོག་
AltNamesWylie karma pa bcu bzhi pa  ·  blo bzang grub mchog
  • Important hierarch of the karma kaM tshang tradition.
  • Recognized as the embodiment of the 13th Karmapa by the 8th 'brug chen kun gzigs chos kyi snang ba and given the name theg mchog rdo rje.
  • Introduced the 'cham of the gsang 'dus and phur pa sgrub chen during the month of sa ga zla ba at mtshur phu.
  • His recognition was authenticated through the use of the golden urn.
YearBirth 1798
YearDeath 1868
TibDateGender Male
TibDateElement Earth
TibDateAnimal Horse
TibDateRabjung 13
ReligiousAffiliation Karma Kagyu
EmanationOf Thirteenth Karmapa Dudul Dorje
Has emanations Fifteenth Karmapa Khakhyab Dorje
StudentOf Ninth Tai Situpa Pema Nyinje Wangpo  ·  Kun gzigs chos kyi snang ba  ·  Karma Tendzin Trinle
TeacherOf Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Taye  ·  Chogyur Lingpa  ·  Bkra shis 'od zer  ·  Karma Ngedön Tenpa Rabgye  ·  Drukchen, 9th
BDRC https://www.tbrc.org/#!rid=P562
Treasury of Lives http://treasuryoflives.org/biographies/view/Fourteenth-Karmapa,-Tekchok-Dorje/TBRC_P562
IsInGyatsa No
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