Bod sprul mdo sngags bstan pa'i nyi ma: Difference between revisions

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Bod sprul mdo sngags bstan pa'i nyi ma
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|PosWheelTurn=Third Turning
|PosSvataPrasa=Prāsaṅgika (ཐལ་འགྱུར་)
|PosSvataPrasaNotes="...Pötrül says repeatedly that both the Madhyamakāvatāra and the Uttaratantra are scriptures of “the Great *Prāsaṅgika Mahāyāna,” though he clearly rejects the Gelugpa un- derstanding of this being the case because, he says, the Gelugpa position is solely based on a nonimplicative negation (the lack of real existence), while completely rejecting the notion of luminosity." [[Brunnhölzl, K.]], [[When the Clouds Part]], p. 75.

Revision as of 11:24, 5 March 2018

PersonType Category:Author
MainNameTib བོད་སྤྲུལ་མདོ་སྔགས་བསྟན་པའི་ཉི་མ་
MainNameWylie bod sprul mdo sngags bstan pa'i nyi ma
BiographicalInfo Alternate dates given for his birth are 1900 and 1902.
YearBirth 1898
YearDeath 1959
BornIn dwags po
TibDateGender Male
TibDateElement Earth
TibDateAnimal Dog
TibDateRabjung 15
ReligiousAffiliation Nyingma
StudentOf Kunzang Palden  ·  g.yu khog bya bral chos dbyings rang grol
TeacherOf 'jigs med phun tshogs
Treasury of Lives
IsInGyatsa No
PosBuNayDefProv Definitive
PosWheelTurn Third Turning
PosYogaMadhya Madhyamaka
PosSvataPrasa Prāsaṅgika (ཐལ་འགྱུར་)
PosSvataPrasaNotes "...Pötrül says repeatedly that both the Madhyamakāvatāra and the Uttaratantra are scriptures of “the Great *Prāsaṅgika Mahāyāna,” though he clearly rejects the Gelugpa un- derstanding of this being the case because, he says, the Gelugpa position is solely based on a nonimplicative negation (the lack of real existence), while completely rejecting the notion of luminosity." Karl Brunnhölzl, When the Clouds Part, p. 75.
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