Rose Leonore Marie Waldschmidt

From Tsadra Commons
Waldschmidt, R.

PersonType Category:Authors of German Works
FirstName / namefirst Rose Leonore Marie
LastName / namelast Waldschmidt
MainNamePhon Rose Leonore Marie Waldschmidt
SortName Waldschmidt, Rose Leonore Marie
bio Rose Leonore Marie Waldschmidt (née Ohrlich). Berlin 21.5.1895 — 1988. was a German Indologist. She was the daughter of Richard Ohrlich, auditor and tax consultant, and Katharina Herrmann. She was a textile designer and then specialized on the history of South Asian handicrafts. From 1927, she was the wife of Ernst Waldschmidt, whom she survived. In 1932-34 they were together in Sri Lanka and India. Their only son died in WW II. (Adapted from Source Jan 30, 2024)
YearBirth 1895
YearDeath 1988
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