Eric Triebelhorn

From Tsadra Commons
Triebelhorn, E.

PersonType Category:Ordained (Monks and Nuns)
FirstName / namefirst Eric
LastName / namelast Triebelhorn
MainNamePhon Eric Triebelhorn
bio Lama Eric Triebelhorn first came to KCC (Kagyu Changchub Chuling, Portland, OR) not long after graduating from college and quickly immersed himself in the center’s activities. He served as Board president for four years and was the first caretaker of our retreat land, Ser Chö Ösel Ling. In 2002, he moved to India to study Tibetan language and practice with Kyabje Bokar Rinpoche. He requested and was finally granted permission to participate in a traditional Shangpa three-year retreat at Bokar Monastery, which he completed in 2008. Following retreat, Lama Eric translated for Khenpo Lodrö Donyö Rinpoche, Gyaltsab Rinpoche, and others and eventually served as an English teacher for the reincarnation of his teacher, Bokar Rinpoche. Lama Eric became KCC’s resident lama in January 2020.

(Source: Adapted from KCC Website)

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