Ösel Tendzin

From Tsadra Commons
Tendzin, O.

Tendzin Osel.jpg
PersonType Category:Authors of English Works
Category:Western Buddhist Teachers
FirstName / namefirst Ösel
LastName / namelast Tendzin
MainNamePhon Ösel Tendzin
SortName Tendzin, Ösel
bio Ösel Tendzin (Thomas F. Rich) was Vajra Regent and dharma heir of the Vidyadhara Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche. As such, he was the first American accepted as a lineage holder of the Kagyu tradition of vajrayana Buddhism. Osel Tendzin was co-founder of Shambhala Training and author of Buddha in the Palm of Your Hand. Following Trungpa Rinpoche’s death in 1987, he was President of Vajradhatu and the Nalanda Foundation until his own death in 1990. (Source Accessed Oct 2, 2024)
YearBirth 1943
YearDeath 1990
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