Ngawang Samten

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Samten, Ngawang

Samten Ngawang-Wikipedia.jpg
PersonType Category:Authors of Tibetan Works
FirstName / namefirst Ngawang
LastName / namelast Samten
MainNamePhon Ngawang Samten
MainNameTib དགེ་བཤེས་ངག་དབང་བསམ་གཏན་
MainNameWylie dge bshes ngag dbang bsam gtan
SortName Samten, Ngawang
bio The Ven. Prof. Geshe Ngawang Samten is Director and Vice Chancellor of the Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies in Sarnath, Varanasi. Prior to assuming the Vice Chancellorship he was Director of the Research and Publications Division of the Institute. Prof. Geshe Samten earned his Shastri, Acharya and PhD from the Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies and his Geshe degree from Ganden Shartse Monastic University. He is editor of the Tibetan critical edition of Nagarjuna's Ratnavali (CIHTS Press), and is co-translator with Prof. Jay Garfield of Tsong Khapa's Ocean of Reasoning (Oxford University Press). Prof. Geshe Samten has addressed conferences and colloquia around the world, and has held visiting professorships at the University of Tasmania, Hampshire College, Amherst College and Smith College.

Geshe Ngawang Samten is also a member of the Tenzin Gyatso Scholars Program's advisory council, which is being developed by the Tenzin Gyatso In Source Accessed December 15, 2011

YearBirth 1956
BornIn Dokhar
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