Nicole Riggs
PersonType | Category:Authors of English Works Category:Translators |
FirstName / namefirst | Nicole |
LastName / namelast | Riggs |
MainNamePhon | Nicole Riggs |
SortName | Riggs, Nicole |
bio | Nicole Riggs is a writer and translator of ancient Tibetan texts. She focuses on little-known figures of the 9th to 12th centuries in Tibet, including several women and explores their relationship to the world through their songs of wisdom.
She believes that the insights shared in ancient philosophy are applicable to today's challenges in that they speak to the need for non self-centered solutions and are intrinsically related to creativity. More recently, she has begun to explore how the shape of the letters and the sound of syllables in the Tibetan alphabet relate to the meaning of the words they form, creating an opening for a different perspective on reality. Nicole holds a Masters degree in Philosophy from the University of Sunderland. She is an affiliate researcher with Center for the Study of Crops and Social Policy (CASP), an anchor with Cooperation Humboldt, a Co-Founder of the Cooperative Agriculture Network (CAN), and a board director of the Humboldt Community Business Development Center (HCBDC). (Source Accessed Jan 31, 2025) |
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Nicole Riggs