John Powers

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Powers, J.

John Powers ANU.jpg
PersonType Category:Authors of English Works
FirstName / namefirst John
LastName / namelast Powers
MainNamePhon John Powers
SortName Powers, John
bio Dr. John Powers is a faculty member in the Australian National University's Centre for Asian Societies and Histories. He is a specialist in Asian religions with a specific focus on Buddhism, India, and Tibet. His latest publication is History As Propaganda: Tibetan Exiles versus the People's Republic of China. Amongst his publications are An Introduction to Tibetan Buddhism (Snow Lion Publications, 1995); (with J. Hopkins) Tibetan-Sanskrit-English Dictionary (Charlottesville, VA, 1990); The Yogacara School of Buddhism: a Bibliography (Metuchen, NJ, 1991); and (with J. Fieser) Scriptures of the World's Religions (1997). He is a member of the American Academy of Religion; the American Philosophical Association; the Association of Asian Studies; the International Association for Ladakh Studies; the International Association of Tibetan Studies; the Asian Studies Association of Australia; and the International Association of Buddhist Studies. (Source Accessed Jun 7, 2019)
affiliation Centre for Asian Societies and Histories, Australian National University
phduniversity University of Virginia
education M.A. McMaster University; B.A. Holy Cross
IsInGyatsa No
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