Rosemary Patton

From Tsadra Commons
Patton, R.

PersonType Category:Translators
FirstName / namefirst Rosemary
LastName / namelast Patton
MainNamePhon Rosemary Patton
SortName Patton, Rosemary
bio Rosemary Patton began studying Tibetan Buddhism and language in France with Dagpo Rinpoché in 1975 after earning a degree in English literature and drama at Queen’s University in Canada and a degree in anthropology at the Sorbonne. After attaining a further degree at the Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales (INaLCO) in Paris, she pursued her studies at Drepung Gomang in South India. She has been Dagpo Rinpoché’s English-language translator since the late 1980s. (Source Accessed Mar 24, 2025)
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