Shunzō Onoda

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Onoda, S.

PersonType Category:Authors of English Works
Category:Professors Emeritus
FirstName / namefirst Shunzō
LastName / namelast Onoda
MainNamePhon Shunzō Onoda
SortName Onoda, Shunzō
bio Onoda Shunzō 小野田俊蔵 is a Professor Emeritus at Bukkyo University, Kyoto. He obtained his PhD on the monastic debate in Tibet from Bukkyo University in 1993. His research focuses on the structures of Tibetan logic (bsdus grwa), and on the technique of Thangka paintings. His main publications are Monastic Debate in Tibet: A Study on the History and Structures of bsDus grwa Logic (Arbeitskreis für tibetische und buddhistische Studien, Universität Wien, 1992); “bsDus grwa Literature,” in Tibetan Literature: Studies in Genre, ed. José Ignacio Cabezón and Roger R. Jackson (Snow Lion, 1996); “The Meiji Suppression of Buddhism and Its Impact on the Spirit of Exploration and Academism of Buddhist Monks,” in Images of Tibet in the 19th and 20th Centuries, ed. Monica Esposito (EFEO, 2008); “De’u dmar dge bshes’ Knowledge of Basic Color Materials,” in Gateways to Tibetan Studies: A Collection of Essays in Honour of David P. Jackson on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday, ed. Volker Caumanns et al. (Department of Indian and Tibetan Studies, Universität Hamburg, 2021). His current projects are on Tibetan traditional proverbs (gtam dpe) and the design of a database of those proverbs. (Source Accessed Feb 27, 2025)
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Full Name

Shunzo Onoda



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Template:DRL Authors of Japanese Works