Young-ho Kim

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Kim, Young-ho

PersonType Category:Authors of English Works
MainNamePhon Young-ho Kim
bio Young-ho Kim was an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Inha University in Korea. He is the author of Tao-Sheng's Commentary on the Lotus Sūtra: A Study and Translation (SUNY Press, 1990). This work was originally presented as a doctoral thesis at McMaster University in Ontario in 1985, under the supervision of Yün-hua Jan.
YearBirth 1941
affiliation Inha University in Korea
phduniversity McMaster University, Ontario, Canada
education Ph.D. in Philosophy, McMaster University, (May, 1985). Dissertation: "Tao-Sheng's Commentary on the Saddharmapuṇḍarīka-Sūtra: A Study and Translation."
IsInGyatsa No
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