Tao Jin

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Jin, T.

Jin Tao Illinois Wesleyan University.jpg
PersonType Category:Authors of English Works
MainNamePhon Tao Jin
bio Tao Jin is an Associate Professor in the Religion Department at Illinois Wesleyan University.

Professor Jin teaches courses on East Asian Buddhism, focusing primarily on its thoughts, its classical texts, Zen, and the theories and practices in its exegetical tradition. He also teaches Chinese religions, modern Japanese religions, popular religions in East Asia, and Asian religious literature.

Professor Jin holds graduate degrees from Tianjin Foreign Languages Institute (M.A., 1994), University of Memphis (M.A., 1999) and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Ph.D., 2008). He specializes in Buddhist philosophy of mind, its classical East Asian presentation in the treatise entitled the Awakening of Faith in Mahāyāna (or Qixinlun in its popular Chinese abbreviation), the commentarial literature of the treatise, and theory and practice of Buddhist exegesis. He is also interested in the formulation and interpretation of the Chinese cosmology, and the interaction between Confucianism and Buddhism.

Professor Jin has presented his studies at both national and international conferences, and has published in various peer-reviewed journals, such as Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, and Philosophy East and West. He is currently working on a book, entitled The Awakening of Faith in Mahāyāna: A Textual Study and Annotated Translation, and a number of related projects involving the annotation and structural analysis (kepan) of several classical commentaries of the Qixinlun. (Source Accessed Oct 22, 2020)

(Professor Jin's CV)

associatedwebsite Faculty Home Page
affiliation Illinois Wesleyan University
phduniversity University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
education Ph.D. in East Asian Languages and Cultures, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign (2008)

M.A. in English (Literature), University of Memphis (1999) M.A. in English (Translation), Tianjin Foreign Languages Institute (China) (1994) B.A. in English, Tianjin Normal University (China) (1991)

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Full Name

Tao Jin



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