Patrul Namkha Jikmé

From Tsadra Commons
Dpal sprul nam mkha' 'jigs med

MainNamePhon Patrul Namkha Jikmé
MainNameTib དཔལ་སྤྲུལ་ནམ་མཁའ་འཇིགས་མེད་
MainNameWylie dpal sprul nam mkha' 'jigs med
SortName Patrul Namkha Jikmé
bio Patrul Rinpoche's reincarnation, Patrul Namkha Jigme (dpal sprul nam mkha' 'jigs med, 1888–1960), who was the seventh son of the renowned treasure revealer Dudjom Lingpa (bdud 'joms gling pa, 1835–1904), was Kunzang Wangmo's father. He was also know as Padma Khalong Yangpa Tsal and Tulku Namkha Jikmé. (Source: Treasury of Lives). Patrul Namkha Jikmé’s two main teachers were his father Dudjom Lingpa, and Khenpo Kunpal. He revealed nine volumes of terma, and constructed a shedra at Dza Pukhung Gön and a Zabchö Shitro Gongpa Rangdrol drupdra at Dzagyal Monastery. His main dharma heir was his own daughter, Khandroma Kunzang Wangmo, a great-daughter of Dudjom Lingpa. (Source: Rigpa Wiki)
YearBirth 1888
YearDeath 1960
associatedwebsite BDRC Person Page

Treasury of Lives

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