Kelsang Dhondup

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Dhondup, K.

Dhondup Kelsang-Treasury of Lives.jpg
PersonType Category:Authors of Tibetan Works
FirstName / namefirst Kelsang
LastName / namelast Dhondup
MainNamePhon Kelsang Dhondup
MainNameTib སྐལ་བཟང་དོན་གྲུབ
MainNameWylie skal bzang don grub
SortName Dhondup, Kelsang
bio K. Dhondup was a prominent literary and cultural figure of the Tibetan exile world in the eighties and nineties. Working at the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives (LTWA) in Dharamsala, he was Managing Editor of the Tibet Journal as well as on the editorial board of Pema Thang, which was possibly the first Tibetan literary journal in English. He wrote three histories of Tibet, of which two were published and the third remained incomplete. An editor, journalist and historian, K. Dhondup also wrote poetry and published a translation of the Sixth Dalai Lama's poetry.
YearBirth 1952
YearDeath 1995
BornIn Rupin Gang (rus sbal sgang) in upper Dromo (gro mo), Tibet
Treasury of Lives
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