Rigdzin Deshek Lingpa, 1st

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Deshek Lingpa, 1st

PersonType Category:Authors of Tibetan Works
Category:Tibetan Buddhist Teachers
MainNamePhon Rigdzin Deshek Lingpa, 1st
MainNameTib བདེ་གཤེགས་གླིང་པ་ ༡
MainNameWylie bde gshegs gling pa 1
SortName Deshek Lingpa, 1st
bio 1842 – 1907. See BDRC Person: http://purl.bdrc.io/resource/P4CZ358160

Tercho available here: https://library.bdrc.io/show/bdr:W4CZ355884#open-viewer

Not to be confused with the 2nd Deshek Lingpa (1956–2020).

YearBirth 1842
YearDeath 1907
BDRC http://purl.bdrc.io/resource/P4CZ358160
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