Category:Book Cover Images
This is a category page. It lists all of the pages in category "Book Cover Images" as well as all subcategories of category "Book Cover Images" if any exist.
Pages in category "Book Cover Images"
This category contains only the following page.
Media in category "Book Cover Images"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 7,848 total.
(previous page) (next page)- 'bri gung chos 'byung-back.jpeg 712 × 1,024; 25 KB
- 'bri gung chos 'byung-front.jpeg 712 × 1,024; 44 KB
- 'Bri gung gdan rabs gser phreng-front.jpg 696 × 1,024; 54 KB
- 'bri gung grub dbang a mgon rin po che'i rnam thar-back.jpeg 691 × 1,024; 21 KB
- 'bri gung grub dbang a mgon rin po che'i rnam thar-front.jpeg 685 × 1,024; 65 KB
- 'dab chags mi chos su bshad pa rig pa'i gter mdzod-front.jpg 713 × 1,024; 86 KB
- 'dod pa'i tshoms dang sred pa'i tshoms gnyis kyi par 'grel pa-back.jpg 655 × 1,024; 62 KB
- 'dod pa'i tshoms dang sred pa'i tshoms gnyis kyi par 'grel pa-front.jpg 654 × 1,024; 71 KB
- 'dul ba sdoms-front.jpg 655 × 1,024; 84 KB
- 'Dul ba'i bslab bya-back.jpg 709 × 1,024; 53 KB
- 'Dul ba'i bslab bya-front.jpg 709 × 1,024; 52 KB
- 'dul ba'i gleng 'bum chen mo-front.jpg 694 × 1,024; 81 KB
- 'dul ba'i legs bshad skal bzang nor bu'i phreng ba zhes gya ba-back.jpg 645 × 1,024; 79 KB
- 'dul ba'i legs bshad skal bzang nor bu'i phreng ba zhes gya ba-front.jpg 598 × 1,024; 60 KB
- 'dul gzhung kun gyi snying po sdom thigs-front.jpg 1,024 × 298; 38 KB
- 'Dzam gling ge sar rgyal po'i sgrung a grags gzi rdzong-front.jpg 664 × 1,024; 84 KB
- 'Dzam gling ge sar rgyal po'i sgrung dmyal gling mun pa rang gsal-front.jpg 695 × 1,024; 61 KB
- 'Dzam gling ge sar rgyal po'i sgrung mon gling g.yul 'gyid-front.jpg 692 × 1,024; 64 KB
- 'Dzam gling ge sar rgyal po'i sgrung rma shel brag-front.jpg 691 × 1,024; 37 KB
- 'Dzam gling ge sar rgyal po'i sgrung zhang zhung mu tig rdzong-front.jpg 691 × 1,024; 82 KB
- 'Dzam gling gesar rgyal po'i sgrung rta rgyugs dpyid kyi nyi ma-front.jpg 681 × 1,024; 93 KB
- 'Gos Lo tsā ba gZhon nu dpal's Commentary on the Ratnagotravibhāgavyākhyā-front.jpg 4,100 × 5,670; 577 KB
- 'Jam dbyangs mkhyen brtse sku phreng gong 'og gi rnam thar- front.jpg 709 × 1,024; 70 KB
- 'jam dbyangs mkhyen brtse'i dbang po'i bka' 'bum-front.jpg 4,014 × 996; 1.44 MB
- 'jam dpal mtshan brjod dang bzang spyod-back.jpg 719 × 1,024; 115 KB
- 'jam dpal mtshan brjod dang bzang spyod-front.jpg 719 × 1,024; 117 KB
- 'jam dpal mtshan brjod kyi 'grel pa-back.jpg 753 × 1,024; 27 KB
- 'jam dpal mtshan brjod kyi 'grel pa-front.jpg 753 × 1,024; 49 KB
- 'Jam mgon chos kyi rgyal bo tsong kha pa chen po'i rnam thar-front.jpg 686 × 1,024; 44 KB
- 'jig rten tshor rtogs-front.jpg 673 × 1,024; 27 KB
- 'Jigs med gling pa'i gtam tshogs-front.jpg 671 × 1,024; 65 KB
- 'Jigs med gling pa'i rnam thar-front.jpg 688 × 1,024; 76 KB
- 'jug pa'i 'grel ba de kho na nyid gsal ba - Vol. 1-back.jpg 648 × 1,024; 102 KB
- 'jug pa'i 'grel ba de kho na nyid gsal ba - Vol. 1-front.jpg 648 × 1,024; 65 KB
- 'jug pa'i 'grel ba de kho na nyid gsal ba - Vol. 2-back.jpg 658 × 1,024; 105 KB
- 'jug pa'i 'grel ba de kho na nyid gsal ba - Vol. 2-front.jpg 658 × 1,024; 66 KB
- 'phan yul gyi gnas bshad ngo mtshar rig gnas kyi bang mdzod-front.jpg 685 × 1,024; 63 KB
- 'pho 'gyur che ba'i dus rabs 20pa-back.jpg 727 × 1,024; 59 KB
- 'pho 'gyur che ba'i dus rabs 20pa-front.jpg 727 × 1,024; 128 KB
- 'thad par smra ba'i gtam mdongs mtha' sim pa'i zlos gar-back.jpg 715 × 1,024; 67 KB
- 'thad par smra ba'i gtam mdongs mtha' sim pa'i zlos gar-front.jpg 715 × 1,024; 37 KB
- 'thus sgo tshang ba'i bsam blo-back.jpg 682 × 1,024; 83 KB
- 'thus sgo tshang ba'i bsam blo-front.jpg 682 × 1,024; 94 KB
- 'tsho ba'i gtan tshigs-back.jpg 638 × 1,024; 38 KB
- 'tsho ba'i gtan tshigs-front.jpg 638 × 1,024; 55 KB
- 1-Buddha Sakyamuni Converted BW Lines-SMALL.jpg 175 × 200; 682 KB
- 100 Questions About Tibet-back.jpg 624 × 1,024; 73 KB
- 100 Questions About Tibet-front.jpg 624 × 1,024; 94 KB
- 108 Adages of Wisdom-back.jpg 712 × 1,024; 67 KB
- 108 Adages of Wisdom-front.jpg 712 × 1,024; 45 KB
- 1975 Seminary Hinayana-Mahayana-front.jpg 793 × 1,024; 41 KB
- 1976 Seminary Transcripts-front.jpg 798 × 1,024; 41 KB
- 2500 Years of Buddhism-front.jpg 666 × 1,024; 103 KB
- 550 Books on Buddhism-back.jpg 659 × 1,024; 69 KB
- 550 Books on Buddhism-front.jpg 659 × 1,024; 86 KB
- A 'dzom 'gro 'dul dpa' bo rdo rje'i gsung 'bum - Vol. 1-back.jpg 730 × 1,024; 77 KB
- A 'dzom 'gro 'dul dpa' bo rdo rje'i gsung 'bum - Vol. 1-front.jpg 730 × 1,024; 69 KB
- A 'dzom 'gro 'dul dpa' bo rdo rje'i gsung 'bum - Vol. 10-front.jpg 720 × 1,024; 68 KB
- A 'dzom 'gro 'dul dpa' bo rdo rje'i gsung 'bum - Vol. 2-front.jpg 720 × 1,024; 70 KB
- A 'dzom 'gro 'dul dpa' bo rdo rje'i gsung 'bum - Vol. 3-front.jpg 720 × 1,024; 69 KB
- A 'dzom 'gro 'dul dpa' bo rdo rje'i gsung 'bum - Vol. 4-front.jpg 720 × 1,024; 70 KB
- A 'dzom 'gro 'dul dpa' bo rdo rje'i gsung 'bum - Vol. 5-front.jpg 720 × 1,024; 69 KB
- A 'dzom 'gro 'dul dpa' bo rdo rje'i gsung 'bum - Vol. 6-front.jpg 720 × 1,024; 69 KB
- A 'dzom 'gro 'dul dpa' bo rdo rje'i gsung 'bum - Vol. 7-front.jpg 720 × 1,024; 69 KB
- A 'dzom 'gro 'dul dpa' bo rdo rje'i gsung 'bum - Vol. 8-front.jpg 720 × 1,024; 70 KB
- A 'dzom 'gro 'dul dpa' bo rdo rje'i gsung 'bum - Vol. 9-front.jpg 720 × 1,024; 70 KB
- A Beginner's Guide to Tibetan Buddhism (Newman 2022)-back.jpg 675 × 1,024; 89 KB
- A Beginner's Guide to Tibetan Buddhism (Newman 2022)-front.jpg 673 × 1,024; 56 KB
- A Book of Common Tibetan Buddhist Prayers (2007)-back.jpg 676 × 1,024; 95 KB
- A Book of Common Tibetan Buddhist Prayers (2007)-front.jpg 676 × 1,024; 97 KB
- A Brief History of Everything-front.jpg 314 × 474; 26 KB
- A Brief History of the Tai Situpas-back.jpg 703 × 1,024; 43 KB
- A Brief History of the Tai Situpas-front.jpg 706 × 1,024; 56 KB
- A Buddhist Bible (1970)-front.jpg 677 × 1,024; 113 KB
- A Buddhist in the Classroom-back.jpg 671 × 1,024; 84 KB
- A Buddhist in the Classroom-front.jpg 671 × 1,024; 53 KB
- A Buddhist Leader in Ming China-front.jpg 666 × 1,024; 63 KB
- A Buddhist Sensibility-back.jpg 677 × 1,024; 77 KB
- A Buddhist Sensibility-front.jpg 688 × 1,024; 55 KB
- A Buddhist Yogin of the Tenth Century (Torricelli 2018)-front.jpg 724 × 1,024; 43 KB
- A Catalogue of the Bon Kanjur-back.jpg 716 × 1,024; 13 KB
- A Catalogue of the Bon Kanjur-front.jpg 716 × 1,024; 24 KB
- A Catalogue of the Comparative Kangyur (bka' 'gyur dpe bsdur ma)-back.jpg 691 × 1,024; 33 KB
- A Catalogue of the Comparative Kangyur (bka' 'gyur dpe bsdur ma)-front.jpg 692 × 1,024; 53 KB
- A Catalogue of The Phug-Brag Manuscript Kanjur-front.jpeg 756 × 1,024; 35 KB
- A Catalogue of The Stog Palace Kanjur-front.jpg 705 × 1,024; 66 KB
- A Change of Expression and Working with the Emotions-back.jpg 741 × 1,024; 54 KB
- A Change of Expression and Working with the Emotions-front.jpg 741 × 1,024; 61 KB
- A Chariot to Freedom-back.jpg 685 × 1,024; 68 KB
- A Chariot to Freedom-front.jpg 673 × 1,024; 104 KB
- A Classical Dictionary of Hindu Mythology and Religion-back.jpg 653 × 1,024; 62 KB
- A Classical Dictionary of Hindu Mythology and Religion-front.jpg 653 × 1,024; 80 KB
- A Commentary on Guru Yoga & Offering of the Mandala-back.jpg 661 × 1,024; 76 KB
- A Commentary on the Kalachakra Tantra (2011)-back.jpg 646 × 1,024; 40 KB
- A Commentary on the Kalachakra Tantra (2011)-front.jpg 646 × 1,024; 68 KB
- A Commentary on The Uttara Tantra The Changeless Nature-front.jpg 724 × 1,024; 35 KB
- A Comparative Study of Maoism & Buddhism-front.jpg 717 × 1,024; 45 KB
- A Comparative Study of the Pratimoksa-front.jpg 648 × 1,024; 90 KB
- A Compendium of the Mahāyāna Volume One-back.jpg 688 × 1,024; 87 KB
- A Compendium of the Mahāyāna Volume One-front.jpg 679 × 1,024; 87 KB
- A Compendium of the Mahāyāna Volume Three-back.jpg 679 × 1,024; 82 KB
- A Compendium of the Mahāyāna Volume Three-front.jpg 672 × 1,024; 84 KB
- A Compendium of the Mahāyāna Volume Two-back.jpg 672 × 1,024; 78 KB
- A Compendium of the Mahāyāna Volume Two-front.jpg 686 × 1,024; 82 KB
- A Concise History of the Glorious Sakyapa School (Jackson 2022)-back.jpg 674 × 1,024; 86 KB
- A Concise History of the Glorious Sakyapa School (Jackson 2022)-front.jpg 686 × 1,024; 68 KB
- A Corpus of Early Tibetan Inscriptions-front.jpg 691 × 1,024; 60 KB
- A Cultural History of Tibet (1995)-back.jpg 677 × 1,024; 115 KB
- A Cultural History of Tibet (1995)-front.jpg 677 × 1,024; 102 KB
- A Dakinis Council (Monson 2024)-front.jpg 638 × 1,024; 67 KB
- A Direct Path to Enlightenmnet (1972) - front.jpg 655 × 1,024; 28 KB
- A Direct Path to the Buddha Within (2008)-front.jpg 678 × 1,024; 69 KB
- A Feast of the Nectar of the Supreme Vehicle-back.jpg 680 × 1,024; 73 KB
- A Feast of the Nectar of the Supreme Vehicle-front.jpg 666 × 1,024; 60 KB
- A Flash of Lightning in the Dark of Night-back.jpg 440 × 675; 320 KB
- A Flash of Lightning in the Dark of Night-front.jpg 440 × 676; 352 KB
- A Future We Can Love (Bauer-Wu 2023)-front.jpg 675 × 1,024; 58 KB
- A Garland of Gold-back.jpg 653 × 1,024; 66 KB
- A Garland of Gold-front.jpg 653 × 1,024; 47 KB
- A Garland of Immortal Wish-fulfilling Trees (Khandro 2024)-front.jpg 646 × 1,024; 40 KB
- A Garland of Jewels-back.jpg 681 × 1,024; 68 KB
- A Garland of Jewels-front.jpg 681 × 1,024; 62 KB
- A Garland of Light (2012)-back.jpg 633 × 1,024; 52 KB
- A Garland of Light (2012)-front.jpg 631 × 1,024; 25 KB
- A Golden Swan in Turbulent Waters-back.jpg 655 × 1,024; 83 KB
- A Golden Swan in Turbulent Waters-front.jpg 655 × 1,024; 79 KB
- A Guide to the Bodhisattva s Way of Life (1999)-back.jpg 658 × 1,024; 45 KB
- A Guide to the Bodhisattva s Way of Life (1999)-front.jpg 658 × 1,024; 56 KB
- A Guide to the Bodhisattvas Way of Life 2018-back.jpg 653 × 1,024; 79 KB
- A Guide to the Bodhisattvas Way of Life 2018-front.jpg 653 × 1,024; 96 KB
- A Guide to the Thirty-Seven Practices of a Bodhisattva-back.jpg 653 × 1,024; 48 KB
- A Guide to the Thirty-Seven Practices of a Bodhisattva-front.jpg 660 × 1,024; 107 KB
- A Gāndhārī version of the Rhinoceros Sūtra-front.jpg 342 × 474; 6 KB
- A Handbook of Science for Tibetan Monastics (Ram 2007)-front.jpg 793 × 1,024; 60 KB
- A Handbook of Tibetan Culture-back.jpg 651 × 1,024; 102 KB
- A Handbook of Tibetan Culture-front.jpg 641 × 1,024; 68 KB
- A Harmony of Views-back.jpg 661 × 1,024; 79 KB
- A Harmony of Views-front.jpg 661 × 1,024; 58 KB
- A Heartfelt Melody of Faith-front.jpeg 644 × 1,024; 61 KB
- A History of Buddhism in India and Tibet - back.jpg 675 × 1,024; 80 KB