Bokenkamp, S.

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Bokenkamp, S. on the DRL

Stephen R. Bokenkamp
English Phonetics Stephan R. Bokenkamp
Sort Name Bokenkamp, Stephan
Bokenkamp Stephan-ASU.jpg

Tibetan calendar dates

Contact information

Website:   Faculty Page
Primary Affiliation (Workplace)
Arizona State University

PhD University

University of California, Berkeley

Biographical Information

Stephen R. Bokenkamp specializes in the study of medieval Chinese Daoism, with a special emphasis on its literatures and its relations with Buddhism. He is author of "Early Daoist Scriptures and Ancestors and Anxiety" as well as more than 35 articles and book chapters on Daoism and literature. Among his awards are the Guggenheim Award for the Translation of a medieval Daoist text and a National Endowment for the Humanities Translation grants. In addition to his position at Arizona State, he has taught at Indiana University, Stanford University, and short courses for graduate students at Princeton and Fudan Universities. He was also part of the National 985 project at the Institute of Religious Studies, Sichuan University from 2006-2013.

柏夷(加州大學伯克萊分校博士,1986年)教授,專長于中國六朝隋唐道教史,特別關注中古道教文獻和佛道關係。在其漫長的學術生涯中,他出版了《早期道教經典》和《祖先與焦慮》兩部專著以及超過三十五篇學術論文。他的研究貢獻為其贏得了許多榮譽和獎項,比如古根海姆獎、美國國家人文基金會基金等等。除了在亞利桑那州立大學任教之外,他此前曾任教于印第安納大學、斯坦福大學,並在普林斯頓大學、復旦大學為研究生開設短期密集討論班。他也是2006-2013年四川大學國家九八五項目工程特聘海外專家。(Source Accessed June 20, 2023)

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