Sems nyid

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Key Term sems nyid
Topic Variation nature of mind
Hover Popup Choices nature of mind; mind as such
In Tibetan Script སེམས་ཉིད་
Wylie Tibetan Transliteration sems nyid
Devanagari Sanskrit Script चित्तत्व
Romanized Sanskrit cittatva
Tibetan Phonetic Rendering semnyi
English Standard nature of mind
Karl Brunnhölzl's English Term mind as such
Richard Barron's English Term mind itself; the true nature of mind itself
Dan Martin's English Term mind proper
Gyurme Dorje's English Term nature of mind
Ives Waldo's English Term mind itself
Alternate Spellings citta eva; cittatā
Term Type Noun
Source Language Tibetan
Basic Meaning Commonly found in Dzogchen and Mahāmudrā literature, this term denotes the true, natural state of mind as it is. Often used in these traditions as a synonym for buddha-nature.
Has the Sense of The essence of mind.
Related Terms Dharmatā
Rangjung Yeshe's English Term The nature of one's mind which is taught to be identical with the essence of all enlightened beings, the sugata garbha. It should be distinguished from 'mind' (sems) which refers to ordinary discursive thinking based on ignorance of the nature of thought
Tshig mdzod Chen mo 1) sems kho na/ ... 2) sems kyi chos nyid/